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现在咱们谈正事。Now let's talk business.

先正事,后娱乐。Businesss before pleasure.

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我都忘记干正事儿了。I almost forget my business.

然后他们开始做正事。Then they got down to business.

让我们先谈正事吧。Let's go down to business first.

说正事,说完就挂电话。State your business and disconnect.

不要把正事和娱乐混在一起。Do not try to mix business with pleasure.

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一路上他们吵架的时间比干正事的时间还要多。They wasted more time arguing than looking.

他们避免了争吵开始做正事。We avoided wrangles and got down to business.

你们选择我们到华盛顿来解决难事,做正事。You sent us to Washington to do the tough things.

你已经准备脱衣服了,为什么不干点正事呢?You’re already naked, why not get down to business?

将注意力集中到正事上并且采取措施去弥补。Focus on the real issue and take steps to remedy it.

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好坏心情都一样,反正就是不做正事。Good mood is the same, anyway just don't do business.

定义了该管道之后,我就可以开始正事了。With that plumbing defined, I can get down to business.

该是我们着手处理手头正事的时候了。It’s time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.

爱情是闲者的正事,忙者的“忙里偷闲”。Love is the business of the idle but idleness of the busy.

是停止争论开始干正事的时候了。It's high time we stopped arguing and got down to business.

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黛比愉快的跟她打了个招呼,便开始谈正事了。Debbie greeted her cheerfully,and they got down to business.

我整理完邮件然后开始做一些正事。I sorted out my mail, then settled down to some serious work.

闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。——布尔沃·利顿。Idle people take love as a business, but the love as a pastime.