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她是你的姨母吗?Is she your aunt?

她与你的姨母相处得如何?Does she get on with your aunt?

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他昨天晚上去看望了姨母。He went to see his aunt last night.

丽娜姨母刚去美国。Aunt Lena has just left for America.

但约瑟芬姨母来援救他了。But Aunt Josephine came to his rescue.

那人一度是科迪莉亚姨母的恋人。The man had once been Aunt Cordelia's sweetheart.

这一切都源于我的姨母,浣沁。The all theses all get busy my mother's aunt, Wan Qin.

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这东西苏珊的姨母已答应作为圣诞礼物送给她了。It was promised to Susan by her aunt as a Christmas gift.

他没有搭乘航班,两天后,他的姨母去世了。He did not take the flight and his aunt died two days later.

她的姨母把尖锐而轻松的讽刺或嘲笑赋予了这个概念。Her aunt made it a matter of high but easy irony , or comedy.

“姨母,你放心吧,”达西说,“她用不着你这样的劝告。"I assure you, Madam, " he replied, "that she does not need such advice.

格雷西姨母开车离开之后,简和萨姆就开始等着其他队员出现。As she drives off, Jan and Sam wait for the other team members to arrive.

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梅姨母像本叔叔那样惊讶,而且她言语中肯,一针见血。Aunt May rocks just as much as Uncle Ben, and she hit the nail on the head.

当他们玩得正开心的时候,萨姆的妈妈、简的爸爸和格雷西姨母都来了。And while they´re having fun, Sam´s mom, Jan´s dad and Aunt Gracie all arrive.

达西先生看到姨母这种无礼的态度,觉得有些丢脸,因此没有往理她。Mr. Darcy looked a little ashamed of his aunt's ill breeding, and made no answer.

我姨母请我去看电影,但我说我还是愿意和朋友们一起去野餐。My aunt invited me to the movies, but I said I had rather go on a picnic with my friends.

在肯特郡小住时,伊丽莎白再次与正在探望其姨母凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人的达西相逢。While in Kent, Elizabeth again meets Darcy who is visiting his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.

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玛丽给她住在瑞士的姨母寄送巧克力,我告诉她这是多此一举。Mary sent chocolate to her aunt in Switzerland. I told her that it was like bringing coals to Newcastle.

我最快乐的时光就是每当妈妈在纽约找到工作,姨母弗吉尼亚带着我坐火车去看望她和她在一起的时光。My favorite times were when Mother had a job in New York, and Aunt Virgie would take me by train to stay with her.

十分自负的柯林斯先生多次谈到其女庇护人富有而傲慢的凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人,她是达西的姨母。Mr. Collins talks constantly about his patroness, the rich and arrogant Lady Catherine de Bourgh, an aunt of Darcy's.