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他总是尽力而为.He always does his best.

尽力而为,然后随缘。Do your best and then let go.

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致力于在最坏的情况下尽力而为。Focus on making the best of a bad situation.

现在是我们所有的人尽力而为的时候了。Now is the time for all of us to do our part.

不论它占多大比例,我们都必须尽力而为。We must try our best, no matter how much it counts.

如不能如愿而行,定须尽力而为。If we canwoult do as we would, we must do as we can.

Nick心情沉重地回答,“我尽力而为。”Nick, replies with a heavy heart, “I’ll do my best.”

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虽然B先生尽力而为,但他还是一再失败。Despite all his efforts, Mr. B failed again and again.

羮不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。They who cannot do as they would, must do as they can.

如果你的目标是尽力而为,你或许不会努力。If your goal is to ‘do your best, ’ you probably won’t.

只要尽力而为,我们就会超额完成指标。We shall over-fulfill our quota if we only do our best.

把自己逼得太紧不好。尽力而为就行了。It is bad to push yourself too hard. Just try your best.

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IP多播是开放式的、尽力而为的模型。IP-multicast is based on an open, best-effort service model.

天有不测风云,尤其是个新手在“尽力而为”的时候。Shit happens, especially when a newbie is "trying his best".

别为你的发音而担忧.尽力而为.会改进的.Don`t worry about your pronunciation.Try your best, it will improve.

我不知道别人用什么字眼来叫,不过,我尽力而为啦。I had no idea in what terms one shouted at koalas, but I did my best.

您的要逑我尽力而为,希望这样能让您满意。We will try our best to fulfill your requests to your utmost satisfaction.

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亦名告诉何导不用操心剧组的事,他会尽力而为。Also tell what guide dont have to worry about the cast, he will do his best.

所以,在这种情况下,你只能尽力而为。So, when that thing happens, you just do what you have to and try your best.

昨天已逝,明日是谜,面对今朝,尽力而为!Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, in the face of today, do your best!