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不要怠忽“粘贴并搜刮”和“粘贴并访问”。Don't overlook Paste and Searc and Paste and Go.

他说,“奖学金是学生的财产,绝对不可以从学生身上搜刮这些钱。”That money shouldn't be collected. That's for students.

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看来该是时候出去吓吓人,搜刮搜刮他们的房子咯。It was time to go out and scare a few people and raid their houses.

搜刮引擎正在电子商务中抵章饭谢起追守要做用。Search engine of development in e-commerce plays an important role.

她叔叔死后,她尽可能搜刮所能得到的一切东西。When her uncle died, she grabbed everything she could get her hands on.

而中邦的各大流派网站和搜刮引擎也正正在逢迎网官的那类需求。china's major website and search engine is to meet the needs of internet users.

尽也许多的干掉矿车,同时还要全力不要丧失太多的搜刮者。Try taking out as many Harvesters as possible, yet try not to lose many Seekers.

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使债主搜刮他所有的家产,使外人劫掠他劳力的所赚。May the creditor seize all his belongings and strangers plunder the fruits of his toil.

他一脸茫然,不知所措,我知道他在正在搜刮正确答案。He looked dazed and confused and I could see that he was searching for the right answer.

如果日本银行不想在货币市场搜刮,我为什么想做呢?If the Bank of Japan doesn't want to buck the currency markets, why would I want to try?

谷歌的电脑搜刮所有文本网页,吮吸,分析,并研究人们实际上如何写作。Google’s computers scour the web, suck in all that text, analyze it and learn how people actually write.

“我可以跑到会议室里住,支个帐篷,在公司的厨房里大肆搜刮,”他回忆道。"I would hang out in the conference room and set up camp and rob the company kitchen, " recalled Miller.

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上里我对搜刮引擎从技术、工做本理及其正在收集中的做用等圆里作个具体的引睹。Now I search engine from a technical, working principle and its role in the network and so on to be a detail.

地主不仅夺走了他们的粮食,甚至把他们留的种子也搜刮一空,拿去供奉日本鬼子。Not only their grain had been uncovered by the landlords and turned over to the Japanese, but even their seed.

就是这些人操纵交易,大把地吃回扣,对农民实施剪羊毛式的搜刮才招致了那么多的抗议。It is their stitching up of deals, pocketing of kickbacks and fleecing of farmers that provokes so many protests.

可能到始末在搜刮框中输出书名大概图书列表中找到本书。To find the errata page for this book, go to and locate the title using the Search box or one of the title lists.

海吉拉斯说,若你死去,古鲁甚至不会认领你的尸首,除非你身上还有钱让他们搜刮。And when you die, say the hijras, your guru won't even come to claim your corpse—unless there is gold to strip off it.

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由于人类拖网捕鱼船队在深海中搜刮龙虾和螃蟹,这种丑陋的黏糊糊的又不能吃的鱼现在面临灭绝。This ugly, gelatinous, inedible fish now risks extinction thanks to humans trawling marine murky depths for lobster and crabs

任那边所都能迅速搜刮。在你的手机上路程经过过程google中国搜刮查寻信息,会给你的导师和伴侣留下印象。do a quick search anywhere. find information with a google search from your phone to impress your professors and your friends.

至少15个人的这一伙人闯进来,搜刮了这个极小的单间酒吧,抢劫了酒吧里仅有的20多个客人。After forcing their way in, the group of at least 15 men stripped the tiny one-room bar and its 20-odd patrons of all they had.