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建筑石材业。Building stone industry.

是石材行业的好火伴。It is stone industry's good partners.

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纯熟石材地整套图纸地清算。细化。Skilled stone set of drawing sorting.

东旭石材将会是您理想的选择。Esat-sun stone will be your ideal choice.

用苴却石制成石材,应用于装饰。Juqueshi stone is used in wall decoration.

买最好和最名贵的石材,最好到金达!Buy best and famous stone, Please to Jinda!

南阳盆地周围有取之不尽的石材资源。Nanyang Basin was abundant in stone resource.

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为什么要对石材表面采取密封和灌浆处理?Why do I have to seal my stone surface and grout?

适用于石材、坚韧物的开劈、破碎、修凿。Used for hacking, breaking, repairing and digging.

大面积的石材幕墙充当了一个稳定的背景。Large-area stone cladding acts a steady background.

大理石、花岗石、水磨石等石材表面的光泽测量。Stone materials, such as marble, granite, terrazzo, etc.

李先生所在石材厂的经理也捐出了500元钱。Lee Stone where the plant managers also donated 500 yuan.

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CNC数控石材雕刻机进给倍率在线调整。In 5, CNC CNC engraving machine feed rate adjusted on-line.

专业生产和销售水晶玻璃马赛克,金属马赛克,石材马赛克。Shafei is a manufacturer of glass, metal and stone in mosaic.

地质学上,此石材属于火山凝灰岩。In petrographic terms, this stone is defined as volcanic tufa.

石岛红矿山驰名中外被誉为“中国石材第一矿”。" Shidao red mine famous and known as "the first mine of stone.

为什么价格会比一般的千层石材高呢?Why the price will be higher than the normal one thousand stone?

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根据石材的使用程度选择你的石头的厚度。Choose the thickness of your stone according to the use of stone.

是一家具有规模性,专业性的石材产品设计与加工商。Is a scale, and professional stone product design and processors.

从狭义上来说,大理石指的是云南大理出产的石材。Stricto sensu , marble refers to the Yunnan Dali produced stones.