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我们的船撞到了暗礁上。Our ship was thrown on a reef.

那船触到了一些暗礁沉没了。The ship hit some rocks and sank.

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那艘船没能绕过暗礁。The ship failed to clear the reef.

我们的客轮在暗礁附近搁浅了。Our ship stranded near the submerged reefs.

暗礁都用炸药炸掉了。Hidden boulders have been removed by dynamiting.

这位引航员引导我们通过了危险的暗礁区。The pilot guided us through the dangerous reefs.

开火,把你的车打成一块暗礁,我的天。The heat skeet, blow a reef through ya car, my God.

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船从暗礁之间穿过。The ship threaded her way between the hidden rocks.

坝,水栅,暗礁,反转,坑,和水利设施。Dams, weirs, ledges, reversals, holes, and hydraulics.

服务政策元数据是另一个暗礁。Service policy meta-data is another under-water stone.

在水下暗礁的旁边,我看到到处都是死去的珊瑚。Settling down beside the reef, I saw dead coral everywhere.

一个斐济岛的暗礁爆炸了,一群有颜色的小鱼群游过去。Fijian reef explodes in color as a school of anthias swims past.

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在下面是在暗礁上发现的一个一些比较通常虫的项目表。Below is a listing of some of the more common worms found on the reef.

坚定不移向着太阳,度过浅滩暗礁。Steady sunward, though the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal.

海洋的奇迹图片。一条雀斑面孔的粘鱼在窥视从它的暗礁洞穴位于所罗门群岛。A freckle-face blenny peeks from its reef burrow in the Solomon Islands.

临江以上的河段水流湍急,到处是瀑布和暗礁。Linjiang over the fast river currents, waterfalls and rocks are everywhere.

一个大的锈色的可怕的海扇依靠密克罗尼西亚的暗礁。A large rust-colored gorgonian sea fan perches against a reef in Micronesia.

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一群鱼群集靠近一个暗礁在法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛。A school of fish clusters near a reef in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.

橙色杯状珊瑚暗礁属在西印度群岛的博内尔岛。Orange cup coral clusters on a pier piling on Bonaire Island in the West Indies.

阿拉斯加科迪亚克岛的帕萨沙湾一块孤独的暗礁破冰而出。A lone rock outcropping juts through frozen Pasagshak Bay off Alaska's Kodiak Island.