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人类外耳被移植到老鼠的皮肤下。Human-sized external ears were implanted under the skin of mice.

鸟类甚至更为神秘,因为我们甚至看不到它们有一个外耳。Birds are even more mysterious,because here we do not even see an outer ear.

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目的探讨先天性小耳畸形的外耳再造方法。Objective To study the methods of external ear reconstruction for congenital microtia.

耳廓也被称为外耳,能起到漏斗一样功用,将声音导入耳道。Also known as the auricle, it works like a funnel, directing sounds into the ear canal.

外耳重建是外科整形手术中最具挑战性的手术之一。In plastic reconstruction surgeries, total auricular reconstruction for microtia is a challenge.

我认为可以移植一双外耳,如果能够找到的话。"I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be procured," the doctor decided.

鼓膜是一层上皮。薄膜,它将外耳与中耳分开。The tympanic membrane is a thin epithelial membrane separating the external ear from the middle ear.

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介绍了一种基于医用数字红外传感器MLX90615的红外耳温计设计。The design of infrared ear thermometer based on medical digital infrared sensor MLX90615 was presented.

通过耳镜,医生可以看见骨膜,骨膜是中耳和外耳的分隔。With the otoscope, the doctor can see your eardrum , the thin membrane between your outer and middle ear.

他还知道一款防水的耳塞还能预防外耳疼痛而感染中耳炎。He knew a waterproof earplug would also help prevent the painful outer ear infections known as "swimmer's ear".

获得的外耳形状更逼真、强度更高,可减少耳垂转位、耳甲腔及耳屏再造的手术。A more real and stronger ear was obtained. The operation of earlap transform and tragus reforger can be cut down.

目的建立豚鼠外耳淋巴液中磷酸地塞米松的含量测定方法。OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determining the concentration of dexamethasone phosphate in the perilymph of guinea pig.

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其他的临床表现还有坏死性肿块、肿胀、耳鸣、听力丧失、面瘫、外耳炎以及中耳炎。Visible necrotic mass, swelling, tinnitus, hearing loss, facial palsy, otitis externa and otitis media are other presenting features.

慢慢地,轻轻地,父亲伸过一只手,撩起母亲厚厚的棕红色头发——母亲没有了外耳。Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal that the mother had no outer ears.

父亲慢慢地用手把母亲的头发给拉开,妈妈是没有外耳的。Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish-brown hair to reveal that the mother had no outer ears.

耳廓主要由皮肤和软骨构成,其上有许多凹陷倾斜的部分,每一个部分都有自己专属的名称,例如耳舟、三角凹、外耳等等。Mainly composed of skin and cartilage, it has lots of dips, each with its own name, such as the scaphoid fossa, triangular fossa and concha.

父亲缓慢并温柔地伸出手,分开浓密的红褐色头发,说明了那个大秘密,母亲没有外耳。Slowly, tenderly , the father reached out a hand and raised the thick, reddish-brown hair to tell a big secret—the mother had no outer ears.

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结论合理应用残耳是施行外耳再造术,保证再造耳皮瓣的血运及再造耳与健侧耳对称的重要因素。Conclusion Treating residual ear reasonably is a key factor of successful auricular reconstruction and the symmetry of the reconstructed ear.

介绍了两种人耳图像归一化处理的方法,即基于外耳轮廓长轴的线标记法和基于外耳轮廓起始点的点标记法,并对这两种方法进行了对比。According to the feature of ear image and requirement of extraction, this paper proposes a new edge detection method based on contour composition.

切记,药敏试验对“单纯的”外耳炎意义不大,因为它是基于抗生素的血药浓度。Remember that susceptibility testing is not too meaningful for "simple" otitis externa, as it is based upon attainable BLOOD levels of antibiotics.