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荷兰是印民在殖民时期的宗主国。The Netherlands is Indonesia's former colonial master.

凯诺是美国国会历史学会副主席,他说采用宗教象征的想法源于美国以前的宗主国----英国。He says the idea came from England, America's former colonial power.

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独立之后我们将不再听候殖民宗主国的吆喝和指使。After independence we would no longer be at the beck and call of the colonial master.

现代移民对宗主国来说已经成为一支不可忽视的建设力量。And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state.

随着时代的发展,更大的更强大的国家吞并或声称宗主国对较小的。As the era unfolded, larger more powerful states annexed or claimed suzerainty over smaller ones.

尽管它每年对其在法国和西班牙的宗主国举行效忠仪式,却是一个独立国家。Although it pays nominal yearly homage to its suzerains in France and Spain, it is an independent republic.

一些高兴的天你的宗主国将一路上分叉进你的家的盘旋的光纤的管道。Some happy day the fiber-optic pipelines that circle your metropolis will branch all the way into your home.

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不到五六个最失败的国家能够有理由将他们的失败原因归结于他们的前西方宗主国。Less than half of the dozen most-failed countries can reasonably blame their Western parents for their plight.

由于历史原因,非洲国家的法律制度不可避免地受到了前宗主国法律的影响。The current legal system is influenced inevitably by former suzerain in African state because of the reason of history.

反殖民主义者认为,即便已经完全获得政治上的独立,但在经济上,这些国家仍要依赖从前的宗主国。Anticolonialists hold that even when countries secure political independence they remain economically dependent on their former captors.

此外,政治和财政问题最终导致殖民地人民和宗主国英国的关系走到了决裂边缘。In addition, political and financial issues ultimately brought relations between the colonists and the English homeland to a breaking point.

殖民地代表议会把弹劾当作与宗主国和业主官员进行斗争的工具,极力争取与英国议会平等的地位。The colonial Assemblies used impeachment asweapon to struggle with colonial governors and suzerain for equal station withEnglish parliament.

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瑞士北部一城市,位于苏黎世东北。2'4年转让给哈布斯堡王朝,45年成为一个自由的宗主国城市。人口84,'00。A city of northern Switzerland northeast of Zurich. It passed to the Hapsburgs in 2'4 and became a free imperial city in 45. Population, 84, '00.

从19世纪中后期开始,殖民主义体系主要由三类不同程度上依附于宗主国的地区所构成,即殖民地、保护领与保护国、托管地。From the 1870s to the 1960s, the colonialist system mainly consisted of colonies, protectorates and protected states as well as trust territories.

印度对邻国的政策不过是大英帝国政治遗留和延续,印度只跪舔它的殖民宗主国,以前是英帝国,现在是美帝国。Indian policy toward its neighbour is just continuity and legacy of british india only serving its foriegn imperalist master at that time britain and now americans.

阿鲁巴岛于1986年从宗主国分裂出来,成为加勒比海域第六个说荷兰语的岛国,而库拉索和圣马丁将紧随其的步伐成为自治领土。Cura?ao and St Maarten will become self-governing territories, following the example of Aruba, a sixth Dutch-speaking island in the Caribbean which broke away in 1986.

欧洲有关国家在战后虽然失去宗主国地位,但是仍对非洲保持很大的影响,由于欧洲的传统思维依旧存在,欧非之间建立真正的平等关系还需时日。With the traditional colonial ideology still hovering in their mind, it has comparatively a longer road for the Europe to establish really equal relations with Africa.

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上帝定意用祂的审判以回报巴比伦所行的恶,使好几国集体背叛曾经压迫他们的宗主国。God purposed to bring about His judgment to repay Babylon for the evil they had done by the gathering of several nations in rebellion against their oppressive suzerain.

一部分后殖民主义理论认为被殖民者可以通过模仿复制宗主国和白人世界来颠覆殖民统治。Some postcolonial theories believe that the colonized can manage to subvert the colonial domination by mimicking the metropolitan countries and the world of the whites.

这种狐假虎威狗仗人势的做派也是历史上作为其文化宗主国的中国人最不能容忍的。This kiss-up and kick-down type of attitude has been the most unbearable thing for the Chinese, being the cultural mentors for Korea through out of the history, to accept.