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2000年,德国为公民权开辟了一条新路。In 2000 it opened a pathway to citizenship.

柯林不享有公民权,所以不能参加投票。Colin is debarred from voting as he is not a citizen.

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所以,他并没有,雅典公民权的保障。Therefore, he lacked the protection of Athenian citizenship.

另外,通过衍生或后天取得公民权的父母,或通过个人申请入籍,你也可以成为美国公民。Apply for “derived” or “acquired” citizenship through parents

那项法令完全侵犯了我们的公民权。That law is an out-and-out infringement of our ci vil rights.

这是享有公民权的公众的正当合理要求。These are the just and reasonable demands of a righteous public.

白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权。White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.

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还记得在50年前黑人甚至没有公民权。Remember that blacks did not even have civil rights 50 years ago.

他是自由主义者,信奉开放政策、公民权和财产权。He is a liberal who believes in open borders, for people and goods.

由于他父亲于1990年前后入了籍,他也承袭了公民权。He had " derivative citizenship " from his father's naturalisation around 1990.

没有任何人的公民权可以将非婚姻的关系当作婚姻来对待。No one has a civil right to have a non-marital relationship treated as a marriage.

故事的主线是越战和公民权之争。The central themes of the story are the struggle for civil rights and the Vietnam conflict.

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后者隔年2月取得新加坡公民权,但在香港生活和求学直到2005年10岁时才来新念书。He lived in Hongkong until he returned to Singapore in 2005 at the age of 10 years to study.

共和末年的统帅们获得了这项权利,可以把公民权授予辅助部队。Military commanders acquired the right in the late Republic to enfranchise auxiliary troops.

他们的目的是利用孩子来为自身获得公民权的说法也不可信。Nor is it plausible that their intention was to use their kids to gain citizenship for themselves.

团结,并不意味着认可或者平等,更别提充分享有公民权。Solidarity, however, does not necessarily denote acceptance or equality, let alone full citizenship.

纳税人监督用税权是一项宪法所规定的权利,是公民权的具体体现。Taxpayer's right of supervising using tax, which is regulated by constitution, manifests citizenship.

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这,轮流地,有效地剥夺了所有那些不支持预定获胜者的选民的公民权。This, in turn, effectively disenfranchises all those voters who don't support the pre-ordained winner.

在黑人得到公民权之前,美国既不会安宁,也不会平静。There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.

当问及如何定义公民权的概念时,肖恩德·沃尔夫说那就是不被警察骚扰的权利。When asked to define citizenship, Shonda Wolfe said it meant the right not to be harassed by the police.