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现实扭曲引力场。A reality distortion field.

比如说,是引力场。If you think,for example,a gravitational field.

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没用,长官。我们被引力场吸住了!It's no use, sir. We're stuck in the gravity field!

黑洞的引力场是如此强大以致于即使是光都无法逃逸出去。The gravitational field is so strong that not even light can escape.

黑洞的引力场很强,光也无法逃出。The gravity of a black hole is so strong that not even light can escape it.

,当我们把一个物体,放到引力场中,我们会得到在一个平面上的轨迹。When we throw up an object in a gravitational field, you have the trajectory in a plane.

而且,像我所说的,这个是通过观察引力场和加速运动的的等效完成的。And, as I said, this is done through noting the equivalence of gravity and accelerated motion.

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来自亮弧碎片的灰尘拖带到环中并受到土卫一引力场的吸引。Thus, the entire G ring could be derived from an arc of debris held in a resonance with Mimas.

当人们进入太空,他们就离开了地球的引力场,那就没有引力了,他们就处于失重状态。When people go out into space, they are away from the earth’s gravitational field. There is no pull.

本文从多个角度挖掘了引力场与静电场描述上的相似之处。From different angles some similarities are dug out in describing gravitational field and electric field.

在太空中,只有一种环境,那就是磁引力场场体环境。In Space, there is one environment only, and that is only magnetic plasmatic gravitational magnetic field.

本文给出在真空中中心对称引力场的空间曲率的详尽证明。The article proves in detail the space curvature of the gravitational. field of central symmetry in vacuum.

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从稳态轴对称真空引力场的已知种子解出发,采用二重逆散射方法,利用逆散射波函数生成新解。A general method of obtaining double inverse scattering wave function from a double seed solution is presented.

在宇宙空间中,一般认为黑洞产生的强引力场可以把周围吸所有的物质吸入其中。In space, black holes are believed to generate intense gravitational fields that suck in all surrounding matter.

对金星的引力场麦哲伦数据表明,地球上有较厚的地壳比以前想象的。Magellan data on Venus' gravitational field suggests the planet has a thicker crust than was previously thought.

在大型引力场附近时,许多安全系统会限制超空间推进器的使用。Numerous safety systems restrict the use of a hyperdrive while near the presence of a large gravitational field.

正是引力场与质流场相互感应导致引力波。It is the gravitational field and mass flow field that the gravitational wave is produced by the induction each other.

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所有你要做的就是利用一个极其强大的引力场,象黑洞那样的地方,来制造时空扭曲。All you would have to do is use an extremely strong gravitational field, like that of a black hole, to bend space-time.

引力场方程中的能量—动量张量确定物质的存在如何影响时空结构。Energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field equation confirms how the material influences the spacetime structure.

他用绳子牵住一些,有质量的物体,并在,某一距离在引力场放下它们。He takes objects with masses which hang from strings and he lowers them in a gravitational field over a certain distance.