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现在这个问题出现的时候,要去问老祖宗。Now this problem appears, we should go to our ancestors.

我们吃过这个苦头,我们的老祖宗也吃过这个苦头。We sufferedfrom this, and our forefathers suffered form this.

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爱迪生的留声机是今日CD唱盘的老祖宗。Edison's phonograph is the distant ancestor of today's CD player.

有的人会问在中国现在谁能够,或者是什么能够代表老祖宗?Someone would ask who can represent our ancestors nowadays in China ?

斯洛伐克南部地区本是匈牙利的老祖宗们留下来的土地,也回到了匈牙利的怀抱。Hungary’s ancestral lands in the south of Slovakia had been returned to her.

最贴近广州人,讲本土老祖宗的故事。The third point is the story about ancestors of Canton closes to local people's life.

到了现代社会,还是有为数不少的中国男人继承着老祖宗的“遗志”。In modern society, still there are great number of Chinese men follow their forefathers.

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历史建筑保留完好,精致的木质建筑尽显老祖宗的智慧。Historic buildings remain intact, exquisite wood buildings show the wisdom of our ancestors.

我是一根葱,站的路当中,哪个拿我蘸大酱,我骂他老祖宗。I was a spring onion, standing way, which take me of dip in big sauce, I called his ancestor.

我说老祖宗是爱热闹的,今日不来,必定有个原故,若是这么着就是了。The old lady is so fond of lively parties, I was sure there must be some reason for her absence.

你家老祖宗都是中国老百姓养地,社会不和谐第一宰杀就是你!Your ancestors are Chinese people at home care, the social disharmony is the first slaughter you!

一心都在他身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘了老祖宗。I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin, I forgot our Old Ancestress.

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城市坏境和它们老祖宗的生长环境截然不同。The urban environment is very different from the one in which their ancestors were born and fledged.

于是,中国人开始向他们的老祖宗讨教——从古代思想家的故纸堆中翻出点哲学来解释当代世界已然成了时尚。So attempts to apply precepts devised by ancient Chinese philosophers to the modern world are in vogue.

老祖宗叫来失宠的小龙木须----它一直想成为这个家庭的守护神。The First Ancestor called for a disgraced little dragon named Mushu, who wanted to be a Family Guardian again.

老祖宗死了之后,他的后人就把他葬在一座建造了多年的陵墓里。After old ancestor died, his posterity buries him in an emperor's mausoleum that constructed for several years.

他接着说,”咱们的老祖宗给咱留下了太多珍贵的东西,但咱为啥却发现不了新的东西?He went on, “Our Chinese ancestors left us so many things, but why do we find it so difficult to discover new things?

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马克思主义是“放之四海而皆准”的真理,是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,是我们的老祖宗。Marxism is "one size fits all" truth and our foundation founding of the fundamental guiding ideology and our ancestors.

重新捡回老祖宗的“一诺千金”,不要忙着承诺,仔细想想后再说。Take back from Chinese tradition the COMMITMENT. Don't say YES, NO PROBLEM in a hurry, think it over before any promise.

正是呢!我一见了妹妹,一心都在她身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘记了老祖宗。该打,该打!I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin. I forgot our Old Ancestress. I deserve to be caned.