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她断断续续地道出了她的委屈。She hiccupped out her grievances.

昨晚在泥地里断断续续地睡了一夜。I spent a fitful night in the mud.

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我断断续续的柏鲁克分校学习,I study on and off in Baruch College

有过断断续续的辩论。There was intermittent debate about.

可如果这个问题是断断续续无规则的出现的呢?But what if this issue is intermittent?

雨断断续续地下了一早上。It's been raining on and off all morning.

很多人是在断断续续的爱中成长的。A lot of you grew up with inconsistent love.

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他们一年来有断断续续的感情。They had an on-and-off relationship for one year.

这是一种奇怪的,断断续续的战争前线。This is the front line in a strange, desultory war.

玛丽依偎著母亲,断断续续地打瞌睡。Mary nestled up against her mother and dozed fitfully.

他们有一段很长时间的断断续续的亲密关系。They had a long-term relationship that was on and off.

但欧央行的购买断断续续、不够果断。But its purchases have been intermittent and begrudging.

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他小时候只断断续续地接受过初等教育。He received primary education brokenly when he was a kid.

买了个破口琴几年了,断断续续的瞎吹,就是找不着门道。Have bought a harmonica for some years, I can not play it.

从2007年起,我就断断续续地住在这儿。我是一个记者。I have lived here off and on since 2007. I am a journalist.

我按了起动装置,那具老引擎断断续续地发动起来。I press the starter and the old engine stuttered into life.

达尔文就住在这里,断断续续,将近五年。Darwin lived in this room, on and off, for nearly five years.

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时间过得断断续续,那晚我时醒时睡,当我醒着时就思考和祈祷。The hours passed fitfully , as I lay awake thinking and praying.

一年多来,小志已经断断续续换了七个老板。Come one many year, little sign had changed 7 employers brokenly.

这可能需要一点断断续续的来使其安装正确,所以花一些时间。This may take a little finagling to get right, so take your time.