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她只是一个傻傻的金丝猫吗?Was she only a dumb blonde?

金丝桃素储存于分泌细胞团内。Hypericin is stored in secretory nodule.

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钦镍记忆合金丝加工成S形牵张装置。TiNi-SMA was processed to S shape apparatus.

他戴一副金丝边眼镜。?。He wears a pair of spectacles with gold rims.

我的金丝框眼镜和还算时尚的发式?My wire-rim glasses and semi-fashionable haircut?

将这块假的镶金丝帛放进去?Inset this leave gold silk does the silks put into?

金丝桃提取物一般由花制成。A Hypericum extract is usually made from the flowers.

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帕默将莫林.金丝利宣称的事告诉了卡尔。Palmer tells Carl about Maureen Kingsley’s accusation.

你也要?你以为当金丝熊赚点吃的,我容易嘛我?What? You want some? I am working hard for that, sorry.

金丝伯格术于周一,即术后第十八天,重返法院。Ginsburg was in court Monday, 18 days after her surgery.

她知道火神有一件长襟裙衣,淡紫色的薄沙上用金丝银线绣了许多神祗的生活画面,价值连城,而且美不胜收。She knew that the God of Fire had a priceless long skirt.

维达尔大夫是个年轻人,脸色灰黄,戴着副金丝眼镜。Dr Vidal was a sallow young man with metal-rimmed glasses.

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彼得的鼻梁上架着一副金丝边眼镜。Peter perched a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles on his nose.

金丝线折射出华美的光线。Gold thread, China and the United States reflects the light.

对CSP键合金丝的热可靠性进行了研究。Thermal reliability of Au bonding thread in CSP was studied.

目的测定水芹中金丝桃苷的含量。Aim To determine the content of hyperoside in Oenanthe javanica.

裸线式电热元件通常用镍铬合金丝制成。The open wire heating elements are usually made of nichrome wire.

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她说,“我感到金丝鸟笼被打开了,我又能自由飞翔了。”I felt the golden cage had been flung open, and I could fly again.

表明元宝草也是一种重要的金丝桃素类药源植物。So, it is also a significant medicinal species containing hypericin.

研究了从中草药元宝草中提取金丝桃蒽酮素的工艺方法。The method of preparation of hypericin from Chinese herb is studied.