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不论偶们是谢顶地老人。Whether we be old and bald.

如果你是十六岁或以下,尽量别谢顶。If you are sixteen or under, try not to go bald.

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有个谢顶的推销员把她弄怀了孕后离开。A balding solicitor who got her pregnant then left.

我回过头,看到一个已近中年、有些谢顶的男人。I turned to see a balding man who was approaching middle age.

电视里绝对不会出现腆着大肚腩、谢顶的、年老色衰的男人。You certainly wouldn't see many paunchy, balding, older guys on TV.

尼森37岁,已经谢顶,剩下的头发也发了灰。At 37, Nisan is already balding, and his remaining hair has gone gray.

他是一个瘦弱的,谢顶的老人,他的脸上不满了皱纹。He was thinner, balder , and grayer, and his face had a crumpled look.

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这哥们还谢顶,所以撞击的时间非常短。The guy was bald, for one thing and so the impact time was very short.

“该死的,小伙子”她那谢顶的副官说,“你不需要向我敬礼!”"Damn, boy, " her bald-headed exec said, "you don't have to salute me! "

除了头发有些谢顶,这个老头儿依然硬朗,在战壕里出没,身手敏捷。In addition to hair, some bald, the old man is still hale and hearty, come and go in the trenches, quickness.

我把纸条拿给老师,那是一个高大的、有些谢顶的男人,桌上的铭牌写着他是梅森老师。I took the slip up to the teacher, a tall, balding man whose desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr. Mason.

另外,与非烟民相比,吸烟者早生白发的几率高3—6倍,谢顶几率高1倍。In addition, compared with non-smokers, smokers Early 3-6 times higher risk of white hair, bald probability is 1 times.

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谢顶的桑普拉斯继续破掉了对手的发球局并用漂亮的网前球一度以4-2领先。The balding Sampras proceeded to break his opponent's serve and then moved 4-2 ahead courtesy of a delightful drop shot.

根据那趟航班当值的空姐回忆,此人嘴唇很薄,前额较宽,有些谢顶。That flight is based on the value of the flight attendants when memories of this very thin lips, wide forehead, some bald.

曼尼斯说,他做这项研究的原动力来自他三十出头就开始谢顶的亲身经历。Mannes said the impetus for his research came from his own experience in his early thirties, when he began losing his hair.

当凯利兄弟明年在太空相会时,机组人员不会再分不出这对谢顶的双胞胎了。When the Kelly twins finally do meet in space next year, crew members are not likely to have any problem telling the 2 identically bald-headed brothers apart.

近日,英国威廉王子冒大雨陪同一群无家可归的青少年登山时,被当地媒体拍到了他越来越明显的谢顶。Prince William's growing bald patch was captured by British media when he recently battled torrential rain to trek up a mountain with a group of young homeless people.

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瘦高的个子,屈起的肩膀,谢顶的白发,加上猫头鹰式的眼镜,他看去如同一位神学院学生,在转攻政治之前,他确实学的是神学。Tall and severely thin, with bent shoulders, receding gray hair, and owlish glasses, he looked like a seminarian, which he had studied to be before turning to politics.

在谷歌上搜索“选票箱”之后,他很快选定了一张照片,其中显示一名谢顶的工作人员站在几个黑色塑料箱后面,上面恰好标有“投票箱”字样。With a quick Google image search for "ballot boxes, " he landed on a shot of a balding fellow standing behind black plastic boxes that helpfully had "Ballot Box" labels.