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第二,通过了新的党章。Second, we have adapted the new Party Constitution.

党的代表大会还通过了新党章。The Party Congress also adopted the new Party Constitution.

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党章是最根本的党规党法。The fundamental ones are embodied in the Party Constitution.

尽管根据党章他们可以进行更深一轮的竞争。According to party rules, they could have fought a further round.

整个党章立足于维护2008年宪法。The entire document is designed to support the 2008 Constitution.

新党章是新世纪新阶段与时俱进的伟大纲领。The Party's New Constitution is the great creed for the new century.

根据党章,每个候选人必须获得55位工党下院议员的提名。Under party rules each candidate has to be nominated by 55 Labour MPs.

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党章是立党、治党、管党的总章程,在党内具有最高的权威性和最大的约束力。The CPC Party Constitution is the general constitution to establish, to administer and to govern the Party.

我在上面,已经把中央委员会提出的党章草案,作了一些必要的说明。In the foregoing I have made some necessary remarks about the draft Party Constitution proposed by the Central Committee.

从八十余年十六个党章11个党纲的比较中,可以透视出理论变迁的历史轨迹。From the comparison of the 16 constitutions and 11 party programmes, the historical locus of theoretical changes has been found.

“党的干部是人民的公仆”是党章的规定和党的宗旨的要求。The cadre of the Party is the people's public servant"is the regulation of the Party constitution and request of the Party aim."

志愿者的工作让我学到了很多东西,更好地理解了党章中为人民服务的最高宗旨。Volunteer work I learned a lot of things, a better understanding of the people of the highest purpose of the party constitution.

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会议的第二个议程是修改党章,为了正式林作为毛的接班人。The second thing on the agenda was the new party constitution, which was modified to officially designate Lin as Mao's successor.

我党思想路线完全形成的理论标志,应该是1982年的党的十二大党章。The theoretical symbol of the formation of the Party's ideological line is the Party's twelfth session of the General Assembly in 1982.

在第七次大会通过的党章,特别是党章的总纲中,就是贯串着群众路线的精神的。The Party Constitution adopted by the Seventh Congress, and particularly its General Programme, is permeated with the spirit of the mass line.

陈是台湾民主进步党的领袖,该党在1991把实现台湾独立的目标写入了党章。Chen is the standard-bearer of the Democratic Progressive Party, which since 1991 has enshrined the goal of Taiwanese independence in its charter.

列宁明确了“民主集中制”的概念,并将其确定为无产阶级政党的根本组织原则载入党章。Lenin defined the "democratic centralism" concept, and identify the fundamental organizing principle for proletarian party in the party constitution.

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因此,党章修改对于加强党内民主建设具有重要的作用和意义。Therefore, the party constitution revises regarding strengthens the democracy within the party construction to have the vital role and the significance.

照新的党章的规定,选举新的中央委员会、央顾问委员会和中央纪律检查委员会。The Party Constitution also stipulates that the Central Advisory Commission, working under the leadership of the Central Committee, has four major tasks.

新党章规定包括私营企业主在内的新阶层中的优秀分子可以入党具有重要意义。A resolution that excellent members of new classes including private entrepreneurs may apply to join the Party, has been written in the new Party Constitution.