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戊子年腊月第一天,子时!The first day to my space !

当绳子勾住房子时,它真的很糟。It's actually worse when the ropes have struck home.

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当使用振荡子时,通常会采用考毕兹电路。The oscillation frequencies can be represented by the following formulas.

终于子时鸡叫,我们披星戴月回家了。At last, we have heard the crow, and happily home along with twinkling stars.

当1975年一个团队宣布在宇宙线中探测到一个运动的磁单极子时,曾引起了一片欣喜。There was tons of excitement in 1975 when a team announced it had detected a moving magnetic monopole in cosmic rays.

除夕夜,还有到寺庙里去“宿山守夜”,准备等到子时一过,就到佛前去点燃新年里的第一炷香这样的一种习俗。Some people spent the New Year's Eve in a vigil in the temples so as to light the first joss stick before Buddha after 1 a. m.

你曾在蛇根木林荫路上向魔鬼祈求,让前面那个矮胖寡妇走边水洼子时把下摆撩得更高一些。You prayed to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the fubsy widow in front might lift her clothes still more from the wet street.

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哦千·孔秋·伦祝堪布回答说他应该去,但是丢食子时,不要太重视和集中注意力。Khenpo Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup replied that he should go there, but should not give much emphasis and concentration when throwing the tormas.

然而,塑料太阳能电池向另一释放电子和空穴形成激子时束缚力很强。However, in plastic solar cells the liberated electrons and holes bind strongly to one another, forming particle-like entities known as excitons.

在制作这张3D阿拉若之子时,我最终买了支桃红色的笔。因为我所拥有的其他笔都无法让背景中交叉的能量线足够闪亮。While working on this 3D Child of Alara, I ended up buying a peach pen because nothing I owned was light enough to edge the energy lines crossing in the background.

譬如妇女在夏季从田间归来路过水泡子时洗洗脚和腿,而小女孩在洗头发后就着水洗洗脖子和腋窝。In summer, for instance, a woman would wash her feet and legs in a pond on her way home from farming in the fields. A girl would wash her neck and armpits after washing her hair.

然而,当那位喇嘛到达首长处所时,首长给了很大的供养,那位喇嘛在投掷敌对哦巴的食子时,用了很大的定力。However, when the Lama arrived at the governor's place, the governor made a very massive offering and the Lama used a lot of concentration when throwing tormas against the Ngor-pa.