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貂皮尺码和皮张质量优良。The fur length and quality were good.

遗憾的是,这个季节的獭兔毛皮毛绒生长稀疏,皮张易受损,并且不易贮藏。Unfortunately is, pile sparse growth of rex rabbit fur this season, Pi Zhangyi damaged and easy storage.

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虽然疾病对非阿留申系列的水貂一般不致死亡,但对皮张却有严重损害,由此造成的损失估计每年可达几百万美元。Although it does not generally become lethal to the non-Aleutian series, it can cause serious damage to the pelt.

白色皮张毛色洁白,光泽如玉,皮板薄如厚纸,但质地坚韧,柔软丰匀。White hides white coat color, luster as jade, thin skin thick paper plate, but the tough texture, soft, Feng Yun.

吉姆告诉我们说,要把兽皮张开,必须先要把皮张弄湿,刮去兽毛和脂肪,然后加入鹿脑让其发酵。To stretch the skin, Jim says, you had to wet it, scrape all the hair and the fat off and ferment it in moose brains.

挂晾机装于车间上空,充分利用车间余热和空间使皮张自然干燥。Hang the machine of sun pack among the car sky, make use of a waste heat of car and spaces to make a nature of skin dry well.

主要出口产品有咖啡、茶叶、棉花、皮张等,进口为工业原料、机器设备和消费品。Major export products are coffee, tea, cotton, hides, etc, and imports are industrial raw materials, machinery, equipment and consumer goods.

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这项真空包装技术将在皮张从拍卖会到硝染厂的运输过程中保护您的皮张,并且可以节省运输成本。The vacuum technology will protect your skins during transportation from auction house to dressing plant and save cost on transportation as well.

但总体来说,我国狐皮贸易数量较大、狐皮贸易的发展比皮张生产领域的发展速度更快。On the whole, China has a great volume of trades on fox fur, and the development of trades was faster than the development of production on fox fur.

运用化学方法保存动物皮肤、毛、羽以免腐坏,再用干草填充动物皮张,从而栩栩如生地表现动物的外貌。Chemically preserving skins, hair, and feathers made it possible to recreate the appearance of live animals by stuffing the sewed-up skin with straw or hay.

裁切的生产区域应是创造天然光源的环境,以便于裁切人员能看清皮张的暗影或细微的颜色差别区域。The production area where cutting takes place should be well lit to simulate daylight. This will assist the cutters to recognise shade variation in the materials.

表中绝大多数物种的特征均从5张以上的皮张总结而来,主要适用于未经过染色、剪绒、拔针等处理的生皮或鞣制过的皮张。At least 5 specimens are used in feature extraction for most species. The identification key is applicable to raw or tanned fur without dyeing, cropping or shedding.

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由于受养殖技术的复杂性、经济环境和市场因素变化的影响,经营风险在皮张的生产和销售环节都是客观存在的。Risks are objective realities existing in fur production and fur trade based on the complex of fur farming technology and the instability of economy environment and market.

本文根据历史记载对比和皮张收购资料分析研究了舟山群岛大中型兽的受威胁状态。The threatened status of large and middle mammals on Zhoushan Islands has been studied according tocomparison of historical records and analysis of fur purchase data in this paper.

根据销售价格与皮张质量有关,以及狐皮市场行情的敏感性,提出投资养狐场最终的成败要由优质的皮张质量和较高的仔兽成活率决定。Based on the relations between prices and quality and the sensibility of fox pelt market, it is reached that the final result is decided by good pelt quality and high survival ratio of fox.

虽然疾病对非阿留申系列的水貂一般不致死亡,但对皮张却有严重损害,由此造成的损失估计每年可达几百万美元。Although it does not generally become lethal to the non-Aleutian series, it can cause serious damage to the pelt. The estimated loss caused by pelt damage each year is about millions of dollars.

奇蹄动物皮张类是指经盐渍、直接晾晒或盐渍后再晾晒的马、驴、骡的原皮或经初步加工的灰皮、浸酸皮。Perissodactyla hide and skin refers to the raw skin of horse, donkey and mule treated with salt cure, direct drying or drying after salt cure, or the primary-processed limed pelt and pickled skin.