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喝酒,性行为,骂街。Drink, have sex, swear.

她总是抱怨和骂街。She always complains and scolds.

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只有骂街才能引来热闹。Only Brew can lead to excitement.

我不喜欢我老婆到处泼妇骂街。I don't like my wife bitching around.

我不喜欢我老婆到处泼妇骂街。I do not like my wife bitching around.

我替市政府当一天骂街的。I owe my fishwife day to the prefecture.

她像个骂街泼妇,找个人让她住口!She is acting like a fishwife. Someone should shut her up!

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去年达沃斯上的熊和骂街者变成了今年的圣人。Last year's bears and scolds at Davos have become this year's sages.

祥子生在北方的乡间,最忌讳随便骂街。Xiangzi had been brought up in a northern village where cursing was taboo.

“骂章子怡”是否让某些人开始了“骂街”!Criticized Zhang Ziyi, " whether to allow some people started a "squalling"!

人们告诉我说,我应该尝试深呼吸,但我个人更喜欢骂街。People have told me that I should try deep breathing , but I personally prefer to swear.

在一个糟糕透顶的日子里,布鲁斯怒不可遏地抱怨、骂街,进而开始诅咒上帝。In a bad standpoint days, Bruce furious and complained that the street, then began cursing God.

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当一个批评家慢慢变老的时候,通常会变得更为暴躁,甚至会成为一流的骂街者。As a critic gets older, he or she usually grows more tetchy and may even become a big-league scold.

这位白种大娘,您受累成天骂街似的嚷嚷着中国的人权问题。You white old lady, thanks for shouting abuses in the street about China's human rights every single day.

他没有像之前的那些被弃绝的超级明星们一样,跺脚、骂街,把所有能想到的词送给新的主教练。He didn't, like so many spurned superstars before him, stamp his feet, spit his dummy and call the coach all the names under the sun.

“骂街”就是一种表演,就是消费时代的媒体不断上演的一个节目,我们不能仅仅在贬意上来理解它。"Brew" is a form of theater, that is, the era of media consumption, constantly put on a show, we can not just up in the derogatory sense to understand it.