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你怎么不开腔?Why don't you utter a word?

因此,我要需做一个开腔手术。This led to open-heart surgery.

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毛毛虫首先开腔了。The Caterpillar was the first to speak.

开腔的头一句就是要尽人事,咋兴捞起半截就开跑呢?Open head phrase is to be, how Xing picked up half and driven away?

“现在你明白了吧,我的布兰奇女王”英格拉姆夫人开腔了,“她得寸进尺了。You see now, my queenly Blanche, began Lady Ingram, she encroaches.

在iPhone开腔工具的帮助下,我们撬开了主板。With the help of our iPhone opening tool, we pop out the logic board.

我没开腔,只是静静地坐着,思想集中在即将开始的会谈上。Instead of talking, I remained quiet, focusing inwardly27 on my upcoming meeting.

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介绍了一种测量低损耗天线罩材料的开腔高温自动测量系统。A high temperature open resonator measuring system for low loss radome materials is introduced.

招聘机会在任何提供开腔手术的大城市医院中都能被找到。Opportunities for employment are found in any large city where hospitals provide open-heart surgery.

“现在你明白了吧,我的布兰奇女王”英格拉姆夫人开腔了,“她得寸进尺了。听说,我的天使姑娘——还有——”You see now, my queenly Blanche, began Lady Ingram, she encroaches. Be advised, my angel girl -- and.

她沉默一会儿,大家都不开腔,等待着就要发生什么事,都觉得这只是一个开场白而已。She paused. Every one was mutely expectant of what was to follow, feeling that this was merely a prelude.

难道为了缺少一点点证明他罪行的证据,就让这个年轻,不肯开腔,爱虚荣的骗子逃脱么?。For want of a bit of incriminating proof was such a young, silent, vain crook as this to be allowed to escape?

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开腔,“我们已经注意到贵国海军在北大西洋活动大增,这一情况令人不安啊。"Mr. Ambassador, "Pelt began, "we have noted a troubling increase in your naval activity in the North Atlantic.

本文讨论了开腔振动问题的有限元计算中边界条件的处理。The boundary problem of finite element method in solving the sound vibration of cavities with "open mouth" has been studied.

现在的心脏疾病的治疗可通过血管推入微小工具和管子进行,这大大减少了开腔手术治疗的几率,并且转变了心脏护理的方式。Procedures that push tiny tools and tubes through blood vessels are reducing the need for open heart surgery and transforming heart care.

灌注技术员操作的机器在病人的开腔手术维持血液的流动,氧合以及净化。A perfusion technician operates machines which sustain the flow, oxygenation, and purification of a patient's blood during open-heart surgery.

他说在60年代末期,斯通豪斯两次否认指控,随后入狱服刑并经历了一次开腔手术。He said Stonehouse had twice denied the allegations when they were put to him in the late 1960s and had since then served his prison sentence and had undergone open heart surgery.