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我想念我癞蛤蟆小女朋友。I am missing my toad girlfriend.

小女生的情歌。软软的果冻。Little girls love song. Soft jelly.

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出生时小男熊比小女熊重一点。Males weight more than females at birth.

小女受了重伤,很危险,一个苏也没有!My daughter dangerously injured, not a sou!

小女公爵伸出手来,等着他爸爸亲吻。The little duchess offered Pa her hand to kiss.

在小女公爵面前,他觉得丢人极了。And he felt ashamed in front of the little duchess.

但是,激光剑和身体上刺出的洞并不适合小女孩儿。Laser beams and holes in the torso didn't quite cut it.

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那个小女刚出生的孩子因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。The less girl were inconsolable at the loss of IT kitten.

不要再耍那种伎俩去骗纯情小女生了!Do not play the kind of tricks to cheat the innocent girls!

在菜单上是西班牙凉菜汤,桔子果汁,小女和更多!On the menu are gazpacho, orange smoothies , brownies and more!

这个小女孩儿看到生日礼物破颜笑了。The little girl saw her birthday presents and broke into a smile.

这个小女学生正在复述第三课中的故事。The little girlstudent was reproducing the story in Lesson Three.

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小女孩儿莱娅被奥德朗的贝尔·奥加纳总督带走。The young girl, Leia, was taken to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan.

小女巨人引导柏林,德国在周日,2009年10月4日。Little Giantess walks through Berlin, Germany on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009.

尊敬的老师,小女浅陋无知,承蒙您教诲。All you have accomplished, honourable teacher, for my backward daughter!

小女孩儿似懂非懂地点点头,依偎在妈妈的怀里。The little girl not fully understand nodded, nestled in her mother's arms.

它变的更成熟美丽,连气质也变的很有小女生的感觉。She became more mature and beautiful, and her habitude became more girlish.

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花婆婆的名字叫艾莉丝,很久以前,当她还是一个小女孩儿的时候,她住在海边的城市。Once upon a time she was a little girl named Alice, who lived in a city by the sea.

小女孩儿歪着头聚精会神地听故事。The little girl listened attentively to the story with her head tilted to one side.

小女孩子对此十分悦意,因为她在那干燥的、灰色的草原上住得太久了。The little girl very grateful for her in the dry, gray prairies have lived too long.