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她喜欢助人为乐。She likes to help others.

在学校,我很有礼貌和助人为乐。At school, I'm be polite and helpful.

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她总是说要“助人为乐”。"Do good" she always said--and be there for others.

有一种人我很欣赏,那就是助人为乐的人。There is a kind of people that I appreciate so much.

第三,我喜欢倾听这位助人为乐的朋友。Thirdly, , I enjoy listening to this helpful friend.

丹尼∙普罗菲特更善于助人为乐。Denny Proffitt knows more about helping other people.

这叫助人为乐,帮助别人自己乐呵吧。This is altruism, seeking pleasure from helping others.

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帮助小孩和老人过马路是一种助人为乐的行为。It's good to help children and old people to cross the road.

她不大说英语,但她那富有表情的眼睛,助人为乐的行为胜过语言。But her expressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.

这时我朝四周看了看,只见所有的乘客都对我助人为乐的行为报以微笑呢。When i looked around , i saw all the passengers smiling at me for my good deed.

一只助人为乐的海龟伸出爪子给一头受伤的海马做枕头。Zzzzzzz. A helpful turtle arm proves the perfect pillow for an exhausted hippo.

但是在你做出了这样的个人牺牲之后,你还会助人为乐吗?But after making such a personal sacrifice, would you ever be a Good Samaritan again?

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也可能昨天你助人为乐,今天你助人为乐,明天就舍己为人。May also be yesterday you help others, you help others today, tomorrow self-sacrifice.

如果有,它是令人感到助人为乐的还是超越这种感觉呢?Does it motivate and, if so, is it just by making people feel good, or is it more than that?

助人为乐鄙视翻译机如果你问不同的人市场营销是什么,他们会给你几个不同的答案。If you ask several people what marketing is, they will respond with a variety of descriptions.

但是,当我们的生活变得忙碌,我们就会忽视生活中的小事,而助人为乐就首当其冲。But as life gets busy and we forget about the smaller things, the kindness can be the first to go.

同时青年组的节目也提供了一种很好的交友机会。大家待人友善,助人为乐。The youth program is also a great way to make friends. The kids there are friendly and very giving.

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但是在你做出了这样的个人牺牲之后,你还会助人为乐吗?”杰拉尔多问。But after making such a personal sacrifice, would you ever be a Good Samaritan again?" Geraldo asked."

各种研究一次又一次地表明,助人为乐是是提升幸福感最好的方式。Over and over again, studies have shown that altruism is one of the best ways to boost your happiness.

以前人们认为去那里旅游是不安全的,现在那里到处都是热心肠、助人为乐的当地人。Once stereotyped as an unsafe travel destination, Costa Rica is full of warm-hearted and helpful locals.