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新型显像管有旋转800线圈的功能。The new kinescope has a revolving power of 800 lines.

显像管的发明是又一次技术革新。The invention of hyperplane kinescopes is another technical innovation.

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1999年和2000年,美国人还认为三星是低端的显像管电视的生产商,到2004年,三星开始与索尼在高端个人电子产品市场展开竞争。Back in 1999 and 2000, Americans viewed Samsung as a low-end purveyor of tube TVs.

外涂石墨是彩色显像管制造工艺中的一道工序,目前普遍采用喷涂方式。Outer graphite is one of CPT production processes, which adopts spraying commonly.

作为一套自动测量系统,可极大提高彩色显像管色纯测量的效率。As an automatic system, it can greatly enhance the efficiency of CPT purity measurement.

掌握这些概念有助于正确评价显像管的质量。It is helpful for evaluating the quality of different products to understand those concepts.

彩色显像管的质量控制需要利用和回用玻璃泡废料。Quality control of color picture tubes may require the salvage and reuse of the glass envelopes.

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本文粗略地介绍了采用多电子枪阵列技术使显像管薄形化的方案。This paper introduces the idea of multi Electron Gun Matix Technology that can make CRT thinner.

电子也流入电视显像管,撞击荧光屏,产生闪光。Electrons also flow in a television, where they are made to hit the screen, causing a flash of light.

电子束轮廓的描述是彩色显像管特性检测中的难点之一。Description of the profile of electron beam is one of the difficult points in detection of color kinescope.

荫罩上孔的数量,孔的形状和尺寸的精度,都会影响彩色显像管的选色效果。The choice effect of colour is subject to the numbers of holes, the shapes of holes, the precision of size.

研究了显像管等器件中偏转线圈三维磁场的空间谐波展开技术及其计算。The space harmonic expansion technique is used for analyzing the 3D magnetic fields of the deflection yoke.

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为开发适应于显像管玻璃熔窑蓄热室格子体工作特点的耐火材料,提供理论参考。The results provide a theoretic reference for improving refractories used in the regenerator of kinescope glass tank.

电子网板是彩色显像管的重要元件,质量的好坏决定着彩管的质量。Electronic mesh is an important component of color teletrom, and its quality settles on the quality of color teletrom.

在显像管玻壳生产过程中,气泡和划痕是影响产品质量的主要因素。Bubbles and scratches are the main influential factor to the quality of the glass-bulb in the production of image tube.

使用简单,机械手使操作人员在整个工作区域内快速,精确安全的搬运电视机显像管。Simple to use, they allow the operator to move the TV tubes quickly, accurately and safely throughout the working area.

介绍了彩色显像管荫罩成形模设计与制造工艺,给出了荫罩成形模的设计流程。The design of forming die and manufacturing engineering for CRT shadow mask was described and the flow chart was given.

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本文提出了一种三束一字型具有线形荧光粉条的新型无荫罩彩色显像管。This paper presents a new no shadow-mask colour picture tube with three-in-line electron gun and linear phosphor strips.

自从20世纪50年代显像管电视机风靡以来,电视机就被指责为降低美国公众智力的罪魁祸首。Television has been blamed for the dumbing down of the American public since the ascendance of the boob tube in the 1950s.

阴极射线是由阴极射线管产生的低能量负电子,而阴极射线管也被称作电视显像管或示波器。Cathode rays are low-energy negative electrons produced in cathode ray tubes, also called television tubes or oscilloscopes.