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他们伏击入侵者。They ambushed the invaders.

匪徒伏击野营者。The gang bushwhacked the campers.

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匪徒伏击野营者。The gang bushwhacked against the campers.

在途中,他们遭到塔斯肯袭击者的伏击。En route, they were ambushed by Tusken Raiders.

果不其然,萧辉在路上遭到伏击。Sure enough, Xiao Hui were ambushed on the way.

敌人在伏击点全部被歼。Enemy was totally destroyed at the ambush point.

乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击。Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at Caer Darrow.

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他说,克伦民族解放军士兵没有参与伏击。He said KNLA soldiers did not take part in the ambush.

他在她回家的路上伏击了她,让她把工资交出来。He waylaid her on her way home and demand ed her wages.

一遭到这样的伏击,日军就龟缩作一因。Thus attacked, the Japanese would be afraid to split up.

在瑞典的露天伏击之后,杰克逃亡到了意大利。Jack escapes to Italy after the opening ambush in Sweden.

被朋友伏击,赵亮看上去很痛苦。Mr. Zhao looked anguished at being ambushed by his friend.

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遭到伏击的警察来自南部什叶派城市纳杰夫。The policemen were from the southern Shi'ite city of Najaf.

在到家半英里的地方遭到了塔利班武装分子的伏击。Half a mile from home the car was ambushed by Taliban gunmen.

换做杜库是Lorian,他就会在出口处伏击他们。If Dooku were Lorian, he would try to ambush them at an exit.

银月城的高精灵在奥特兰克平原被伏击。The Elves of Silvermoon are ambushed on the plains of Alterac.

毁伤,背刺,凿,伏击不再能被躲闪。Mutilate, Backstab, Garrote and Ambush can no longer be dodged.

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民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers.

革老组织人手成功地伏击了白大怡所在的车队。Claudius organization staff successfully ambushed Bai Dayis team.

这些军队发起伏击,下令空袭,及指挥夜间突袭。The units launch ambushes, order airstrikes and conduct night raids.