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全是由光织成的花朵!Those flowers made of light!

毛衣常由羊毛织成。Sweaters are often made of wool.

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该纤维可被编织成布。The fiber may be woven into a cloth.

我们组成一颗心,织成一个梦。We form one heart , weave one dream.

经过什么过程羊毛织成呢料?By what process is cloth made form wool?

织工用棕榈叶织成了一顶帽子。The weavers made a hat from palm fronds.

这具木乃伊的胸前被用珠子织成的饰物覆盖着。The chest of the mummy is covered with beads.

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我们的地毯是用中国纯羊毛手工织成的。Our carpet is hand- made of pure chinese wool.

我们的地毯是用中国纯羊毛手工织成的。Our carpets are handmade of pure Chinese wool.

服饰多以麻、棉织成,或以丝绸裁定。Dress in linen, cotton, or for silk into ruling.

工人把丝线织成漂亮的衬衫。Workers weave silk thread into beautiful shirts.

布是用棉纱织成的。布是由棉花加工而成的。Cloth is made of cotton. Cloth is made from cotton.

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我摘下我花园中所有的娇艳,把它们织成各个桂冠们。I plucked all the blossom in my garden into wreaths.

伴随着跳跃的火焰,织成了火力网然后with a BARRAGE of leaping fire which FLASHES down and

一团纱线常常不单是只被织成毛衣,常常也织出一个故事。A yarn is not just woven wool, but also a woven story.

由毛线织成的毛衣易起小球。Sweaters made of wool yarns may have a tendency to pill.

考虑到它是手工织成的,价格还算合理。Considering that it is handmade , the price seems reasonable.

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把美好的思绪织成片片花雨,洒向无边的天际。Good thoughts to weave into a movie Yoon & Yang boundless sky.

一般用作床罩或地毯的绳绒线织成的织物。Fabric made of this cord, commonly used for bedspreads or rugs.

实际织成的丝毯是原图样的再现。Actually the finished carpet is the representation of the design.