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谢谢你开导我。Thank you for enlighten me.

你能给我开导一下吗?Could you please enlighten me?

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他们不应该来开导你。Guys weren’t supposed to get you to open up.

我知道莱西夫人以前开导过你很多关于这方面的事。I know you've done a lot of work on this with Mrs.

我知道莱西夫人以前开导过你很多关于这方面的事。I know you’ve done a lot of work on this with Mrs. Lacey.

谢谢你之前开导我,真的很感激你。Thank you, really very enlightened me before grateful to you.

建立一个博客,开导别人或者与朋友们讨论想法。Start a blog, mentor someone or even discuss ideas with a friend.

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建立一个博客,开导别人或者与朋友们讨论想法。You can build a Blog to enlighten others or discuss ideas with friends.

他写小说的目的在于使一般读者得到娱乐并受到教育。启发,开导。The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general readers.

让我开导这些谁没有得到这一奇特的一部分,该群岛。Let me enlighten those who haven't been to that exotic part of the archipelago.

我不知道我的宣传和对别人的开导会不会有效果,但我要去做。I do not know my advocacy and enlighten others will be effective , but I want to do.

吴先生来开导我说,边工作边学习边进步嘛,慢慢来!Mr. Wu enlightens me to say side that, works while studies progresses, take your time!

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他被训练出来去开导其他战士,但却把自己对出征的焦虑深埋心底。He was trained to counsel troubled soldiers, but bottled up his own distress about deploying.

“哭出来吧,”医生善意地开导说。“有助于避免严重的情绪困扰。”"Go ahead and cry," the doctor advised kindly. "Helps prevent serious emotional difficulties."

正婷受气躲在房里,彩霞进来安慰并开导正婷。Are victims suffer indignities hiding in the room, comfort and channel is d. rosy clouds come in.

马桂花开导万大齐,孙四康和他们都是在为老百姓查案。Ma Guihua Sun Sikang and enlighten million Daji, they are all in the investigation for the people.

向长辈寻求开导和指引吧,或许你能茅塞顿开。Seek the blessings and guidance of a higher authority and they might just show you the right path.

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这番话本来是想用作母亲的前景来开导产妇,但显然没有产生应有的效果。Apparently this consolatory perspective of a mother's prospects failed in producing its due effect.

金超的劝解,我很感谢,王姐,我更是谢谢你,像个妈妈一样的开导我。Jinchao persuasion, I am grateful, Wang's sister, I thank you more, like my mother taught me the same.

我看快九点了。那么多人都在等着你的开导,我们没权缠着你不放。I see it is nearly nine o'clock, and we have no right to detain you while so many are waiting for your message.