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这些棉铃虫真可恶!What a curse those bollworms are!

这份研究涉及棉铃虫,对棉农来说,这是最大的威胁。The study involved bollworms, a major threat to cotton farmers.

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可以将之用于棉铃虫的预测预报。The two-wave-lamp can be used in the forecast of cotton bollworm.

这为棉铃虫预测预报提供了依据。These results provide basis for the forecasting of Helicoverpa armigera.

用触角电位法研究了棉铃虫触角对其卵和卵表正己烷提取物的电生理反应。EAG response was studied to egg and the hexane extract to the surface of eggs.

它对棉铃虫有较强的致病力并可经卵垂直传播。It invaded H. armigera larvae and could be transmitted vertically to their offspring.

科学家对影响棉铃虫发生的因素,如温度、降雨量也进行了分析研究,排除了它们对研究结论的影响。The scientists ruled out the contribution of other factors like temperature and rainfall.

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报道了利用赤眼蜂防治棉铃虫的初试结果。The preliminary results of using Trichogramma to control Heliothis armigera had been reported.

说明黑杨叶片挥发的气味物质对棉铃虫产卵有显著的诱集作用。This result shows that the odor of leaves plays a role in attracting effect on CBW ovipositing.

推测该羧酸酯酶基因可能主要参与棉铃虫对外源物质的解毒代谢。It is inferred that this carboxylesterase gene may be involved in detoxification of xenobiotics.

本文研究来源于棉铃虫幼虫粪便的产卵忌避信息素,主要结果如下。Here we investigate oviposition-deterring pheromone originated from larval frass of cotton bollworm.

它们喜欢吃像玉米棉铃虫蛾这样的害虫,这种营养物使其能保持足够的奶水喂养幼仔。The bats are hungry for pests like corn earworm moths—nutrition to keep milk flowing for their pups.

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化学农药与B.T。复配防治花生田棉铃虫试验研究。Study on Control Heliothis armigera Hubner in Peanut Field of the Mixture B. T. With other Pesticides.

对大荔县棉铃虫抗药性及综合治理等方面提出一些见解。Some opinions on drug-resistance and comprehensive treatment of Bollworm in Dali County were put forward.

相对湿度发生变化时,感病棉铃虫死亡速度和死亡率明显不同。There were significant differences among the mortalities of the cotton bollworm under different humidities.

90年代中期,许多中国农民无法用常规农药来控制棉铃虫。By the mid 1990s, many Chinese cotton farmers could no longer control the worm with conventional pesticides.

叶片在棉花植株上的空间分布位置不影响对棉铃虫抗性的表达。The spatial site distribution of the plant leaves didn't influence the expression of the resistance to bollworm.

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本文研究了甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫血淋巴抑制化学物质细胞放线菌素D诱导的细胞凋亡的作用。Hemolymph of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera exigua inhibit apoptosis induced by actinomycin D in this study.

结果表明,抗性棉铃虫在取食常规棉叶后表现出一定的适合度代价。This study demonstrates that resistant strain indicates fitness costs when feeding on conventional cotton leaves.

这些结果说明神经敏感性降低是棉铃虫对拟除虫菊酯抗药性的重要机制。It implies that the decreased nerve sensitivity is an important pyrethroid resistance mechanism of cotton bollworm.