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而一个测试版已经挂在Grindr网站上供下载了。A test version is already available from Grindr's website.

在道路上供市民乘搭的非预约的的士可能会减少。The availability of non-booked taxis on the road may be reduced.

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在桌上于上主前摆上供饼,如上主吩咐梅瑟的。And thou shalt set upon the table loaves of proposition in my sight always.

可以扔抛的,或者悬挂在笼子上供他玩咬的。Parrot toys that can be tossed, or hung from the top of the cage and chewed or hit

拙文有的放矢,密切联系实际,希望能在理论和实践上供同行参考和借鉴。I hope it will be valuable to the colleagues for reference in both theory and practice.

产品型网站重点是将产品展示在首页上供客户直观的浏览。The product site focuses on the product display in front of customers for intuitive browsing.

每逢初一、五,母子俩便给泥菩萨烧香上供。On the first and fifteenth of every month, mother and son burned incense before earthen idols.

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他把TED会议制作成视频,放在网络上供免费下载观看。He has started making videos of the TED sessions available to watch or download on the Web free.

病人的腹腔内的器官经腹腔镜放大后显示在电视屏幕上供外科医生观察。This gives the surgeon a magnified view of the patient’s internal organs on a television screen.

为了控制背景干扰,这些脸还被剪切后粘贴在白色背景上供研究。To control for context, the faces were also cut and pasted onto a white background for the study.

沃尔福威茨教授把方程式写在黑板上,还把它们印在油印纸上供我们学习研究。Professor Wolfowitz would chalk the equations on the board and give them to us to study on mimeographed sheets.

文章会在互联网上供自由浏览,直至资源箱仍保持完整后出版发行。This article may be distributed freely on the Internet and in print as long as the resource box remains intact.

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此外,他们能够公开和共享这些应用程序,使其以网络服务的形式放到平台上供其他成员使用。In addition, they can expose and share those applications as Web services on the platform for other members to use.

另一部猴子被打晕,大脑用勺子挖出,并放在餐盘上供人食用的电影,得了相同的反应。A film of a monkey being beaten unconscious and its brain scooped out and served on plates got the same reaction.316

装上糖果或是其他的零食,作为礼物送给朋友,或者放在茶几上供客人们品尝。Fill it with candy or other favorite snacks and give it as a gift, or keep it on the coffee table for guests to enjoy.

由于地方擅自截留两税的现象不复存在,宋代的上供制度明显地强化了。As the phenomenon of withholding the taxes by will is nonexistent, the institution of Shang Gong is obviously strengthened.

在研究者开发出新的问题种类的模型时,他们会把它们发布到一台服务器上供大家下载。As the researchers develop models for new classes of problems, they post them on a server, from which they can be downloaded.

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内置多层动态侦测可以触发警报图像记录,并传输到FTP服务器上供日后浏览。Built-in multizone motion detection triggers the recording of alarm images that can be transferred to an FTP server for later viewing.

风俗认为,过世先人的灵魂仍照看着家人,上供、烧冥钱可取悦祖先。It's believed the spirits of deceased ancestors look after the family and sacrifices of food and "spirit" money are made to keep them happy.

当时,尼布甲尼撒王俯伏在地,向但以理下拜,并且吩咐人给他奉上供物和香品。Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him.