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红皮书了解什么是良好的性生活——而且我们有大量的信息来证明它。Redbook knows good sex — and we've got the library to prove it.

熟悉这本红皮书将有益于您的迁移规划。Becoming familiar with this redbook will be a benefit to your migration planning.

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在构建这个类型的解决方案上的指南就是本红皮书所关注的。Guidance in building this type of solution is what this IBM Redbooks publication is about.

赶到BIGTV的小绿,无意间发现了萨摩塔斯红皮书,陈嘉林制造L。To BIGTV little green, inadvertently found samoyed tower si ChenJiaLin manufacturing L, red.

此红皮书可以在整个迁移过程为您提供指导,并为您提供几种迁移的方法。This publication guides you through the migration process and offers several methods for migrating.

该红皮书提供了一个总体的方法论,其目标是对齐流程,IT和SOA治理以支持BPM项目。The RedBook provides a general methodology which aims at aligning Process, IT and SOA governance to support BPM initiatives.

由于数量年年减少,非洲狮目前被纳为自然保育联盟濒临绝种生物红皮书清单上的一条。The African lion is classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to a continuing decline in the species' population.

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参考资料部分列出了本文参考的其它所有红皮书和文章以及您可能感兴趣的其它相关项。Other redbooks and articles are referenced throughout the article, all of which are listed in the References section, along with other related items of interest.

红皮书通常提供定位和价值指导、安装和实施经验、典型的解决方案场景,以及逐步的“基础”指导原则。Redbooks typically provide positioning and value guidance, installation, and implementation experiences, typical solution scenarios, and step-by-step "how-to" guidelines.

本红皮书中的很多章节提供了样例来演示如何使用这个工具开发应用,以及可视化开发和快速开发所带来的好处。Many of the chapters provide working examples that demonstrate how to use the tooling to develop applications, as well as achieve the benefits of visual and rapid application development.