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法官判定那个生意人诈欺。The judge convicted the businessman of fraud.

艾斯勒最后由于护照诈欺行为被起诉。Eisler was finally indicted for passport fraud.

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当他心中的英雄和精神支柱被诈欺罪囚禁的时候他的梦想也破灭了。His illusions were shattered when his hero and mentor was convicted of fraud.

立委李庆安双重国籍案,法院以诈欺罪判二年。For her dual citizenship, the court found Stella Lee guilty of fraud and not corruption.

垃圾邮件不但烦人,时而涉及犯罪诈欺,还会留下碳足迹。Not only is spam a nuisance and sometimes criminally deceptive, it's got a carbon footprint.

他说,PCAOB已对浮现诈欺嫌疑的审计工作展开调查.The PCAOB is already investigating audits where allegations of fraud have surfaced, he said.

要是一条裂唇鱼让顾客等待太久,或是诈欺,巡游者比地头鱼更可能换个服务站试试。Roamers are more likely to change stations if a cleaner has ignored them for too long or cheated them.

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然而,我们必须确定我们是凭借正当手段赚到钱,而是不靠赌博,抢劫或是诈欺。However, we must make sure that we earn the money by honest means instead of by gambling, robbery, or fraud.

死刑常用于暴力犯罪,但偶尔也用于情节重大的诈欺犯。The death sentence is usually reserved for violent crimes but is occasionally used for cases of major fraud.

最近几个月,有不少公司负责人被逮捕,并以诈欺与盗用公款的罪名被起诉。In recent months, the owners of a number of companies have been arrested and charged with fraud and embezzlement.

Lightman博士是世界一流的诈欺侦防专家,他的小组专门研究脸部表情和不自觉的身体语言,以识别某人是否正在说谎和那人说谎的原因。Dr, Lightman and his team study facial expressions and involuntary body language to discern when someone is lying, and why.

彼得斯提议政府重新审核纽西兰的移民政策,并且强烈抨击他所谓新移民所犯下的诈欺和罪行。Peters has proposed an overhaul of New Zealand's immigration policy and has attacked what he calls fraud and crime by immigrants.

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选美会工作人员透露,这次比赛有窃贼、诈欺犯、黑帮分子、银行抢匪与骗子,所以这应该会是一个有趣的选美之夜。One organizer said, "we have thieves, fraudsters, gang members, bank robbers and swindlers, so it should be an interesting night."

民调显示,一件性丑闻、三宗贪污和税务诈欺官司,以及经济衰退,令贝卢斯科尼的支持率受到重创。Polls show that a sex scandal, three corruption and tax fraud case, and the economic downturn, so that Berlusconi's popularity hit.

就如美国人和欧洲人都知道的,冒险躁进的管理和诈欺都是从这些不好的甚至是恶质的诱因所生出来的。As both Americans and Europeans have learned, reckless management and fraud spring from these poor — and even perverse — incentives.

虚伪的,或诈欺的意思。双面人通常在你面前会对你示好,但在你背后会说你坏话。To be hypocritical or deceitful. People that are two faced often may be nice to your face but say bad things about you behind your back.

周一有人在佛拉明罕地方法院代表波克,在提讯时就包括身分诈欺等罪名,答辩无罪。A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf Monday at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud.

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为了继续探讨我的公式,我会说,因为在男人的国度,总是有某种的诈欺存在。And to go further in my formulae, I would say that because of this fact in the kingdom of the man there is always some imposture present.

不久,你的计算机屏幕或许将配备虹膜扫描仪,当你在线上购物时可以辨识你的身分,以防诈欺。Before long, your computer monitor may be equipped with an iris scanner that can identify you when you shop online, thus preventing fraud.

一以诈欺、胁迫或贿赂方法,使原行政处分机关作成行政处分者。To make the agency which the administrative action was made to issue an administrative action via using the method of falsity , threat, or bribery.