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应聘者必须拥有令人赏心悦目的体型。Must have pleasant nature.

我应聘瑞士汽巴的原因有两个。I'm interested in Ciba for two reasons.

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你认为现在我应聘这个职位会成功吗?Do you think I'm in with abetter chance now?

苏在应聘一个办会议接待员公室文员的工作。Sue is a lying for a job as an office clerk.

朋友还是情人我能了解,但是通过一个应聘者做到呢?A friend or lover—I can see that. But an employer?

但我实际应聘了两次才得到这份工作。But actually I applied for the job twice to get it.

相反,舒尔茨建议调查应聘公司。Instead, Schultze suggests researching the company.

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等他赶到餐厅时,面试官和其他应聘者都已入座。Officials and fellow candidates already were seated.

应聘美捷步公司职位的过程是十分严谨的。The job application process at Zappos is no joke either.

小楠托朋友的关系,前去应聘。Small nan, the relationship between friends to apply for.

请应聘者提供中英文简历!Please provide the applicant in Enlish and Chinese resume.

一些应聘者都懒得把公司的名称拼写正确。Some candidates don'tto spell the company's name correctly.

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他们不会把时间浪费在应聘人的闲谈上。They won't waste it listening to the interviewees' twaddle.

我看到你们在报纸上登的广告想来应聘这个工作。I saw your ad* in the paper and wanted to apply for the job.

应聘者需是动物保健行业的在业人员或相关人员。You are now working with or within the animal health industry.

我能够寄去我上次应聘时用过的求职意向书吗?Can I send an old cover letter that I used at the last company?

如果你应聘更适合自己的职位的话他们有可能会看中你They might be into you if you apply for a more appropriate job.

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好了,结束吧!我还要到别家去应聘呢。Come on, let 's get this over with. I have another one to go to.

请应聘者务必提供英文简历,面试语言为英语。English resume is a must. The interview will be held in English.

本公司将从应聘人员中择优录取。Our company will admit the best applicants among the competitors.