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此人要出庭受审。The man is up in court.

我也会陪她们一起出庭。I go with them to court.

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发传票,传…出庭向…发出传票或令状。To serve with a summons or writ.

他被法庭传唤出庭。He was summonsed to appear in court.

史密斯先生出庭为原告当律师。Mr. Smith appeared for the plaintiff.

奥古斯都于是为他出庭。Augustus appeared on the man's behalf.

我还记得他出庭参加的第一个审判。I remember the first trial he ever did.

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在刑事案件中,王室法律顾问可以单独出庭。In criminal cases a q. c. may appear alone.

他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.

哈特将于三月10日出庭受审。Hart is scheduled to appear in court March 10.

两人都在Gander省级法庭出庭。Both men appeared in provincial court in Gander.

起初,那位新上任的治安官以观察员的身份出庭。At first the new jp attends court as an observer.

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这批盗贼被保释后不期出庭接受审判,却逃到南美洲去了。He repudiated the court's decision to offer bail.

邦珀斯是一名退役的海军陆战队队员,还是一个了不起的出庭律师。Bumpers was an ex-marine and a great trial lawyer.

法官阁下,我在本案代表原告人出庭。Sir, I appear on behalf of the plaintiff in this case.

这名被告昨天在少年法庭出庭受审。The defendant appeared at the juvenile court yesterday.

张达扬是一位律师并拥有出庭能力。Daniel Taut-Yang Cheung is a practising Solicitor-Advocate.

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地方政府法官传唤婴宁出庭。The district judge summoned Yinling to appear in the court.

大约44个叶片将出庭花序。Approximately 44 leaves will appear before the inflorescence.

杰克以谋杀罪被迫出庭受审。Jack has been brought before the court on a charge of murder.