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我没有手下留情。I didn't pull my punches.

别指望我会对你手下留情!Harridan! You'll see no mercy from me.

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尽管她苦苦哀求,他也没有手下留情。He refused to hold her hand though she begged.

手下留情花似锦,足下留情草如茵。Bright spent unsparing hand, foot criticism of grass.

你都不顾情份地把我往死里整,我的言语又怎能手下留情呢?You will not feeling me to death, my words can show mercy?

手下留情花更艳,脚下留情草更翠。Yan Flower more lenient, more grass at the foot of unsparing Chui.

本馆网盘资源永不删档,被举报删除不补档请河蟹大侠们手下留情。The Network hard disk resources never delete, please do not report THX!

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如果民主党选取小泽一郎为日本下任首相,那么就别指望选民会手下留情。If the DPJ picks Mr Ozawa as Japan's next leader, it can expect no mercy.

他的生理训练师,安德鲁.加鲁德并没有对他手下留情,“做你自己!”And his exercise physiologist, Andrew Garud, didn't pull any punches with him.

因为之前峰回谷一役,他并没有手下留情。Because the before Feng returns to one service in the valley, he don't show leniency.

只是贪玩参加这次比赛,希望各位手下留情,也希望大家支持我一下,投我一票,谢谢!Just join this competition, I hope you show mercy, hope everyone support me, vote for me. thx!

速战速绝,没必要对那种妖妇手下留情。Soon campaign soon peerless, have no necessity to that kind of the cursed woman show leniency.

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这个来自美国西岸的球队在场上丝毫没有手下留情,最后他们以比数112-57取得一面倒大胜。The West Coast team was ruthless at both ends of the court and won the lopsided contest 112-57.

我喜欢你,戴夫,但我可不会手下留情。我得要把你还有“网络搜寻家”通通整垮。I like you, Dave, but I can show you no mercy. I'm going to have to crush you and WebTracker both.

但以人的天性而言,一本传记也应该是一个故事,最好不要手下留情。But a biography, by the very nature of the beast, should also be a story -- preferably one that doesn't pull its punches.

如果男女双方吵架时能互相手下留情不往死里打,我相信许多的问题都能迎刃而解。If both men and women could just shoot a little lower in the bulls-eye, I think these kinds of questions would disappear.

在这一方面,照他自己看来,对蒙太古绝不手下留情,还很能够显出自己的盖世才华。In all of this, he was, as he considered, desperately hard on Montague, and very demonstrative of his own brilliant parts.

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我想谷歌对那些在发布产品后更新了设备的公司可能会相对温柔些,对那些没有更新设备的公司大概就不会手下留情了。I imagine that the companies that upgrade their devices after releasing them are being treated better than those that don't.

至于那些只是有少量黑链的网站,百度还算是手下留情了,只是进行了小小的惩罚而已。For those who only have a small amount of black chain site, Baidu is actually quite lenient, and only a small penalty for it.

作为南方公园自15年前播出以来的忠实粉丝,我觉得他们这次对泰勒·派瑞手下留情了。As a person who has been a fan of South Park since the show was started 15 years ago, I felt that they went light on Tyler Perry.