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美国联邦储备委员会今天发表了其最新的大政方针报告。The Federal Reserve put out its latest big policy statement today.

民族不同并不会在大政方针上造成太大不同。The different ethnicity would not cause grand policy to be supremely different.

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指导小组担任商榷全国持续教育的大政方针。Leadership team is responsible for discussing national continuing education guidelines.

因此,许多关于国家大政方针的民主性和代表性基础的问题被提了出来。Questions have consequently been raised about the democratic and representative basis of national programmes.

鼓励引进和利用外资是我国的大政方针,也是发展卫生事业的有效途径。Encouraging utilities of foreign loans is the policy of our country. It is the important way to develop health cause too.

民进为国家大政方针的制定和实施献计出力。The China Association for Promoting Democracy offered efforts to the country's general policy formulation and implementation.

全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关,决定国家大政方针,行使国家立法权。The NPC is the supreme organ of state power. It decides state policies and principles, and exercises the state legislative power.

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各级领导干部都必须坚决贯彻中央的大政方针和工作部署。Leading officials at all levels must firmly put into practice the guiding principles and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee.

影响研究区耕地变化的原因,除自然因子外,国家大政方针和重大农业政策是导致这种变化的主要原因。Besides natural factors, the major national policies and the agricultural policies are responsible for the changes in cultivated lands of the region.

和平崛起既是中国改革开放以来内政外交大政方针的总结提炼,又是新世纪中国发展战略的精辟概括。Peaceful springing-up summarizes China's principle on domestic politics and diplomacy. It highlights Chinese development strategy in the new century.

党和国家的大政方针能否真正得以落实,使其成为人民的福祉,关键要看政策执行的力度。Whether the major policies of the Party and country can really be implemented to bring benefits to the people depends on the strength of policy enforcement.

除大政方针外,在被问及是否已戒烟,做好入住禁烟的白宫时,奥巴马并没有做出正面回答。In addition to the policy issues, Obama avoided a direct answer when asked whether he has quit cigarettes as he prepares to move into a no-smoking White House.

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因此,它们怂恿各界英国政府按照大字标题决策大政方针,这是一种将速度、报告简洁性、情感满足置于收益和成本的理性分析之上。They thus tempt governments into policymaking by headline, a method that prizes speed, simplicity and emotional satisfaction over sober analysis of costs and benefits.

党的十五届四中全会为国有企业改革与发展制定了大政方针。The policy for the reform of State-owned enterprise has been formulated in the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fifteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

在人民代表大会上讨论大政方针问题时,代表们能够充分发表意见,一旦决定就共同贯彻执行。When the congresses meet to discuss issues concerning major policies and principles, they can air their views fully and carry out the decisions after they have been made.

尚没有一个刻意迎合群众观点的政党领袖能获得重大政绩及根本改变国家大政方针的先例。No political leader in the history of the government has gained major political success or produced fundamental changes in national policy by attempting to move to the middle.

在中共中央大政方针的指导下,全国各地农村建设在积极探索中取得了显著成绩,但是问题依然存在。Under the guidance of general policy of Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, although the village construction of our country has gained big success, problems still exist.

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政协提案是政协委员向人民政协组织,并通过政协组织向人民代表大会或人民政府就有关国家或地方大政方针、社会生活等重大问题提出意见和建议的形式。Members of the CPPCC put forward proposals to offer comments and suggestions on major political and social issues of the country to people's congresses and the government via the CPPCC.

人大根据党的主张和人民的意愿,通过制定法律、作出决议,决定国家大政方针,并监督和支持“一府两院”依法行政、公正司法,保障各国家机关协调有效地开展工作,把人民赋予的权力真正用来为人民谋利益。They ensure that state organs carry out their work in a coordinated and effective manner. In addition, they use the power granted to them by the people to truly further their interests.

和从前的多次大选相比,本次大选各党派候选人在大政方针上的不同点并不明显,因此他们在寻找新的途径来脱颍而出,并扩大自己的影响力。With less-discernible difference between policies in this campaign compared to many previous ones, candidates are looking to new ways to distinguish themselves and broaden their appeal.