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所有的哽咽汇成一句“没事”All choked Huicheng a right.

我答道,哽咽欲泣。I answered, a lump in my throat.

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他哽咽着叙说这个悲惨的故事。He sobbed out the whole sad story.

是哽咽的苦胆,也是长存的甜蜜。A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.

有贺以近乎哽咽的声调发出了命令。In a choking voice, Ariga gave the order.

目睹他泪水流淌,我们哽咽而鼻酸。Witnessing these tears, we get choked up.

听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦。I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream.

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我握住她骨瘦如柴的手,伤心得哽咽欲泣。I seized her bony hand with a lump in my throat.

她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously a voice choked with sobs.

她哽咽着诉说她儿子死去的悲惨经过。She sobbed out the sad story of her son's death.

正在翻相倒柜时.我突然哽咽住了。Suddenly, amid all the upheaval, my throat caught.

我的眼泪哗啦哗啦流下来,哽咽得一句话都说不出来。My tears of joy to flow down, choked to say one word.

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她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously , in a voice choked with sobs.

想到我们正独处黑暗的困境,我忍不住哽咽起来。We were alone in dark so thick it stopped up my nose.

“呜呜。”小狐狸一边哽咽一边使力。"Blare. "The small fox is sobbing and putting effort.

她母亲的抚爱安慰了那个哽咽着的女孩。Her mother's loving caress comforted the sobbing girl.

“她会的,”我说,此时我自己因为激动而声音哽咽了。“She will,” I said, my own voice now choked with emotion.

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梅姨在她丈夫的葬礼上伤心得哽咽不止。During her husband's funeral , Aunt May had a lump in her throat.

我不知道玛丽安是否看出来我马上就要哽咽了。I wondered if Mary Ann had seen how close I’d come to choking up.

我们刚看到这房子时,我们曾失去了希望,”他哽咽着。We had lost hope when we first saw the building," he said sobbing.