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她开始重新走路,但是会诊医生告诉她的父母“她会像是做过前脑叶白质切除术一样,以后生活中会走路蹒跚。”She will be like a toddler for the rest of her life.

那个意外的前脑叶白质切除术将会很难解释。That unintentional lobotomy would be hard to explain.

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男孩使用右前脑来解决数学难题。Boys use their right front brain to solve mathematical problems.

前脑是脑中最大、最复杂的部分。The forebrain is the largest and most complex part of the brain.

前脑无裂畸形是一种很严重的疾病,大脑功能很差或没有。Holoprosencephaly is a grave condition with little or no brain function.

成年鸣禽前脑的某些区域具有神经元的再生现象。Neurogenesis occurs in some areas of the telencephalon of adult songbirds.

它通过激活大脑一处被称之为基底前脑的区域来实现这点。It does this by activating an area of the brain called the basal forebrain.

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因此,前脑的绝缘化是在青少年晚期和二十岁初期完成的。So it is with the forebrain's myelination during the late teens and early 20s.

因此发现全前脑畸形后要仔细检查有无脐膨出。Therefore, an omphalocele should be carefully sought if holoprosencephaly is found.

其基因除在甲状腺中表达,还表达于肺、前脑和垂体。Besides thyroid gland, it is also expressed in lungs, forebrain and pituitary gland.

前脑桥和脑后桥都显示GABA阳性反应。The protocerebral bridge and the postcerebral bridge show GABA-like immunoreactivity.

他的名字来源于“前脑叶白质切除术”,是在向最后一刻变更这个角色的原因致敬。" His name is a corruption of "lobotomy, " a nod to a last minute change to the character.

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缰核是前脑边缘系统向脑干下行投射的枢纽。Nucleus habenula is the axis of the descending pathway from limbic system to the brain stem.

当然了,这旅行对我的诱惑便是到达终点,还有就是在到达终点前脑中始终想着“到达终点”。The temptation, of course, is to race to the finish, and to imagine it even before I get there.

和其他所有会唱歌的小鸟一样,斑胸草雀的前脑中某些离散的区域被称为他们的“歌曲控制中心“。As in all songbirds, there is a discrete area of the forebrain called the "song control center".

这些神经元连接了前脑以及脑部其他控制情绪和行为的结构。These neurons connect to the forebrain and other brain structures that regulate mood and behaviour.

缰核是联系边缘前脑和低位脑干的枢纽。Habenula has been regarded as the major link between forebrain structures and midbrain raphe nuclei.

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几乎所有的一切都和“情绪性”区域有关,比如中扣带皮质和前脑岛。Nearly all the action was in "emotional" regions, such as the midcingulate cortex and the anterior insula.

结论利用立体定向技术,选择内侧前脑束为靶点,可建立6-OHDA大鼠PD模型。Conclusion PD rat model was successfully established by injection of 6-OHDA with the stereotactic technique.

喜乐的人前脑藏有很高的安多芬,他们感染疾病的机会比其他人小。Happy people have high amount of endorphin in their forebrain. They have lower risk in contracting diseases.