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正是民间普遍存在的骈偶观念才导致了骈文的生成。And it is folk concept of pian-ou style that leads to the appearance of pian literary style.

刘峻是梁代著名的骈文家,更是一位知识渊博的学者。Liu Jun is a famous parallel prose writer of Liang dynasty, is a knowledge profound scholar.

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他不仅以骈文闻名,其诗歌创作也很受时人的重视。He is not only well-known by the prose, its poetry creation also receives people's attention.

正确理解这三者与骈文的关系,对骈文学和文体学的构建有重要意义。Proper understanding of their relationship is important to the construction of parallel prose and stylistics.

诗、词、曲、赋、骈文,乃至散文、戏剧、小说,那一样中又没有工整的对偶句呢?Poems, songs, Fu, parallel prose, even prose, drama, fiction, and that there is no neat, like in the dual sentence do?

在现今流行的文学认知中,赋与骈文大都是被作为散文对待的,笔者对此提出异议。The author raises an objection to the current cognition of literature that fu and parallel writings are taken as proses.

乾嘉骈文理论是集大成的清代骈文理论的代表。The parallel prose Theory in Qianlong and Jiaqing's period is the representatives of its great prosperity in Qing Dynasty.

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他的作品受到六朝以来骈文创作的影响,在艺术上有一种程式化的趋势。Nevertheless, being affected by the style after the Six Dynasties, his writings reveal a certain trend towards formulism in arts.

骈文的兴起,诗歌声律的追求和理论探讨,不能说没有曹丕“诗赋欲丽”说暗藏其中的影响。Parallel, Poetic Rhythm and the pursuit of the theory, can not be said Cao Pi "Poetry and Fu for Gorgeous" said one of which caches.

陆游骈文中的爱国主义思想既源于家世传承,又受到老师同辈的影响。The patriotism of LuYou's parallel prose is not only based on "ancestry heritage" and is also be effected by the teachers and peers.

骈文于刘宋时期,首开大量用典之风,这在骈文发展史上具有重要意义。Parallel prose in Liu and Song dynasties began the use of numerous allusions, which is of great significance in its developing history.

但是,骈文主要作为一种书面雅文学存在,其自身的发展变化和语言的变化并不一致。However, the development of parallel prose, which was a kind of written elegant literature, is inconsistent from the change of language.

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汉代各个时期的赋作从不同方面证明了汉代已有典型的骈文而不仅仅是对骈句的个别利用。The works of Han Fu written in different periods of Han Dynasty have repeatedly proved us there existed typical Pian Wen in Han Dynasty.

初唐骈文继承了六朝骈文余绪,又有新时代的特点。The parallel prose of early Tang Dynasty carried forward the character of those in Six Dynasties and possessed features of the new period.

这些成绩主要体现在总论、诗歌、文艺理论、小说及辞赋骈文、文集研究五方面。These achievements are mainly showed in the 5 aspects of overall research, research of poem, literature theory, novel and prose, and corpus.

乾嘉年间的汉学派、史学派、桐城派、骈文派之争,其焦点所在,是确立文章正宗。The focus of the disputes among Han School, History School, Tongcheng School and Parallel Prose School is to establish the orthodox school of writing.

蔡邕是东汉后期的文坛巨匠。他对于骈俪化的追求和探索,对六朝时的骈文创作有直接的启发意义。Cai Yong is an important writer in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty, whose pursuit of "Pian Li"had direct influence on literary style in the Six Dynasties.

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第二章对阮元的文艺思想与文学主张进行了论述,主要讨论他的骈文理论与诗歌理论。Ruan Yuan chapter on the literary and artistic thought and literature like that into the discussion, mainly for his theory of Pianwen theory and poetry.

六言对句是辞赋在吸取楚辞句法基础上发展而成的,是骈文的重要构件。The six-character couplet was developed on the basis of absorbing syntax of elegies of Chu, and turned out to be an important component of parallel prose.

在唐代,骈文几经变革,三十六体即是继中唐古文运动之后骈文领域出现的一次重大变革。The Three-Sixteen Parallel Prose is one of the great changes which appeared in Tang Dynasty after the Movement of Ancient Chinese Prose in Mid-Tang Dynasty.