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我们在塌塌米上盘腿而坐。We sat cross-legged on the matting.

我从来不能象其他孩子那样挺直腰板盘腿而坐。I could never sit Indian-style the way other kids did.

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我盘腿坐在沙上,沉思自己的人生。I sat cross legged in the sand and contemplated my life.

他们盘腿坐在床上看着对方。They sat on the bed cross-legged and looked at each other.

他们在甲板上玩起来,在舱后盘腿而坐。They played on deck, sitting cross-legged behind the cabin.

她看见她的老师盘腿坐在垫子上一张椅子上,面带微笑。She saw her teacher sitting cross-legged on a chair, smiling.

做在一个直背椅或盘腿坐在地板软垫上。Sit on an upright chair or cross-legged on a cushion on the floor.

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瑞德盘腿坐到他旁边,两个人很长时间也没有说话。Red hunkers down and joins him. Nothing is said for the longest time.

这时他背脊挺直盘腿坐着,可是又似乎很轻松。He was sitting cross-legged, his back was straight and yet he seemed to be so relaxed.

我不自觉地把脚步放轻,盘腿坐到她对面的礁石上。I unconsciously put my pace slightly and sit cross-legged on her opposite side of the reef.

瞧啊,男孩盘腿悬在半空中,没有掉下来。Lo and behold, the boy sat in the cross-legged position, suspended in mid-air, without falling.

小老头这时在他那端盘腿坐着,面前放着一罐沙丁鱼作他那可怜巴巴的一餐。The little bum was sitting crosslegged at his end before a pitiful repast of one can of sardines.

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用膳前那小流浪汉在他那一端盘腿而坐,可怜的餐食是一小罐沙丁鱼。The little bum was sitting cross-legged at his end before a pitiful repast of one can of sardines.

我们排着队静静地走进边境移民办公室,在铺着灯心草席的地板上盘腿坐下。In silence we filed into the border immigration office and sat cross-legged on the rush-matted floor.

人们一想到冥想,脑子里就会浮现出在深山顶上老人盘腿而坐的画面。When people think about meditation, many picture old men sitting cross-legged on remote mountaintops.

我们排着队静静地走进边境移民办公室,在铺着灯心草席的地板上盘腿坐下。In silence we filedsintosthe border immigration office and sat cross-legged on the rush- matted floor.

我们都穿着牛仔裤,盘腿打坐,手里抱着两个喜笑颜开的孩子。他们都长着滑稽的小胡子。We are wearing jeans, sitting cross-legged and holding two smiling boys with comical little mustaches.

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禅修之所以困难,不在于要盘腿而作,也不在于要达到开悟。It is not difficult because it is hard to sit in the cross-legged position, or to attain enlightenment.

坐在一把椅子上或在地板上盘腿而坐,然后从坐姿中感到一种平衡和警觉。Sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor, and feel a sense of balance and alertness in your posture.

在寺庙外的山上,年轻人盘腿围坐成圈,相互谈天讲笑话。Outside, on the mountain, young people sat cross-legged in circles, chatting and telling each other jokes.