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这正是都市的午茶时光。It is teatime in the city.

但是,都市生活真的很好吗?But is the city life perfect?

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一○都市设计或景观计画。Urban design or landscape plans.

我在都市里每天都吃。I eon them every day in the city.

难道说都市生活就一定比田园生活美好么?Is life better then, in the city?

我辅修的是都市农业。I'm minoring in urban agriculture.

什么样的都市生活,我们都需要什么?What kind of city life do we need?

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知道“欲望都市”之说以在纽约选景的原因吗?It took place in New York. Know why?

曼谷等于是没有都市计划。Well, Bangkok virtually has no plan.

都市里比较忙碌,也比较吵。It is busier and noisier in the city.

诸空最后都市之门,开启!Gate of the Last City of the Skies, Open!

他属于这个都市的坏分子。He belongs to a bad element in this city.

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它是一个拥有大量人口的繁华都市。It's a busy city with a large population.

你会成为废弃都市伟大的领导者!You'll do a great job leading Kerning City!

都市景色,霓虹灯光,灰或蓝天。City sights, neon lights, grey skys or blue.

喔,糟了!我开给都市超市的支票跳票了!Oh no! My check to City Supermarket bounced!

远离都市地方安顿下来弄艘独木舟。Settle down far from town get him a pirogue.

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很快,一个新的都市又在吴哥通建起来了。Soon a new capital was built at Angkor Thom.

一座高楼林立的都市从大地上升起。A city of skyscrapers rises up from the land.

都市的灯光不久就被远远抛在后面。The lights of the city were soon left behind.