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女性罩袍没有遮到脚踝也要被鞭抽。Whipping of women in public for having non-covered ankles.

来蓝色清真寺朝圣的身着罩袍的妇女和儿童。Women in burqas and child pilgrims at the Shrine of Hazrat Ali.

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我不相信这些穿罩袍的妇女中间有谁是美国公民。I do not believe that any of these women wearing Burkas are US citizens.

去年,在意大利山麓地区,一名穿戴罩袍的突尼斯妇女被处以罚金€500。Last year, a Tunisian woman was fined €500 for wearing a burqa in Italy's Piedmont region.

去年九月,法国参议院通过了一项新法,禁止穆斯林妇女在公共场合穿着那种包裹全身的罩袍。In September, France's senate passed a law banning full-length face coverings, including burqas.

而女人在朝圣时是禁止蒙脸的,即使有些人平常居家都要穿罩袍的。And women on the hajj — even those who wear chadors at home — are forbidden to cover their faces.

创刊号的封面上是一名被穆斯林罩袍裹得严严实实的妇女,手持一只冲锋枪。On the cover of the first issue is a robe wrapped up by Muslim women, armed with a submachinegun.

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在整个欧洲,反对穿戴罩袍的活动者指出,这是个人安全和基本信赖的问题。Anti-burqa campaigners all over Europe suggest that this is an issue of personal safety and basic trust.

有时候这些寡妇们令人痛心在出现在视线中,喀布尔满是穿着罩袍在交通道路上行乞的乞丐们。Sometimes the widows are painfully visible — Kabul is filled with burqa-clad beggars panhandling in traffic.

小册子中的指导方针禁止警方当街要求妇女脱下全身式罩袍或全脸面纱。Guidelines in the pamphlet forbid police from asking women to remove their burqa or full-face veil in the street.

他们声称罩袍是“分裂英国”的标志,它对安全隐藏着威胁,也是对妇女的压迫。They claim the veil is a symbol of a "divided Britain", that it's a potential security threat and oppressive to women.

反对法国罩袍禁令的可能性被看做是导致该警报的因素之一,该消息称。A possible backlash from the French burqa ban is considered a factor in the expected warning, the security source said.

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所有竞选活动在工厂地板上进行,身穿罩袍头戴安全帽的肌肉发达的汉子站在旁边,看来他们已经发完工资了。All those campaign stops on the factory floor, posing beside muscular men in overalls and hard hats, seem to have paid off.

她还将允许她所在的党在一些象征性姿态方面造势,比如禁止在街道和其他公共场所穿着“burka”罩袍。She will also allow her party to campaign on symbolic gestures such as banning burkas from the streets and other public places.

这个月,法国通过了一项禁止在公共场合穿戴罩袍式穆斯林蒙脸面纱的法律,将于明年四月生效。The country passed a law this month that will ban the wearing of face-covering burqa-style Muslim veils in public starting in April.

澳大利亚人口最多的州政府授予警方新的权力,他们必要时可以命令民众脱掉遮住全身的伊斯兰罩袍和其他的面纱。The government in Australia's most populous state has given the police new powers to order the removal of burqas and other face veils.

身着蓝色罩袍或褐色头巾的妇女们纷纷提着水罐,半蹲着身子从那些用油布和橡胶草草搭起的低矮棚户屋里进进出出。Women in blue burqas or drab headscarves carry pails of water back to families squatting in shacks built out of rubble and tarpaulins.

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法国政府一位部长呼吁禁止法国境内穿着穆斯林女性的从头到脚的波尔卡罩袍。A French government minister has called for the burka, the head-to-toe garment worn by a minority of Muslim women in France, to be banned.

但在巴黎东北部郊区德朗西的一名伊玛目查侯麦表示,他支持这项法案,因为罩袍对妇女的影响很大。But Hassan Chalghoumi, an imam in the suburb of Drancy northeast of Paris, said he supported the law because of the veil's effect on women.

短上衣、罩袍、编织长袍、夹绵背心等单靠本身并不能提供实质防护,但你可以为它们附上防护性魔法。Jackets, mantles , woven robes, and padded vests don't, provide any significant protection by themselves. However, you can imbue them with protective magic.