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他说“战斗已到痛苦的终局”。"This battle has reached its bitter end, " he said.

该裁判属终局裁判,对缔约双方均有拘束力。Such decision shall be final and binding on the Parties.

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足球比赛以零比零终局是常事。It is quite usual that a soccer game ends in a scoreless tie.

战役的终局令人动容,我们的队员令世人钦慕!Of final battle touching our players to make the world admire!

仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

一本曾经意料到终局,却无法晓得后果的推理小说!A had expected to end, but can"t know the result of the mystery novels!"

该仲裁庭的裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。The award made by the Tribunal shall be final and binding upon both parities.

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该决定的,评审团是终局的,没有函授,将进入。The decisions of the judging panel are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

仲裁委员会的裁决为终局性的,对双方生效。The award given by the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties.

当人口出狂言,自吹自擂时,基督平静地掌管历史,使它迈向神已经定下的终局。While men bluster and boast, Christ calmly governs all history toward its God-appointed end.

例如,一再做恶梦的人可以学会用更欢愉的黑甜乡终局取而代之。For example, people who suffer from recurring nightmares can learn to substitute happier endings.

仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有拘束力。The award rendered through the arbitration shall be final and binding on the parties in any event.

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我所知的最幸福的事,就是能整日与你在一起,没有打扰,没有终局。I know of no greater happiness than to be with you all the time, without interruption, without end.

在各级法院设置国家补偿审议委员会,实行两裁终局制。It need establish state compensation examination and approval commission in various levels of court.

我国体育仲裁应选择强制性“一裁终局”制。China's sports arbitrating should choose compulsory mechanism of "first award being the final award".

仲裁委员会委员会所作的决定应视为终局决定,对双方都有约委员会束力。The decision made by the Arbitration Commission shall be regarded as final and binding on both parties.

特别委员会的决定为终局决定。特别委员会并无义务说明决定的理由。The decision of the Special Committee is final. The Special Committee has no obligation to give reasons.

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如果任何道路必须获得终局,那么它应该被认作是一种顺乎其道的安排。If any road is bound to have an end, it, therefore, should be regarded as a natural arrangement of destiny.

时效中止持续至终局裁决做出之时或以其他方式程序终止之时。Suspension lasts until a final decision has been issued or until the proceedings have been otherwise abolishd.

仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力,仲裁适用中华人民共和国法律。The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties and the applicable law is the material law of P. R. C.