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举个例子来说,创作小说是十分争分夺秒的一件事。For example, sitting down and creating a novel is intimidating.

或者我们会争分夺秒的完成一些任务而牺牲了它们的质量。Or we’re so rushed with the tasks we do complete that quality suffers.

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争分夺秒,永不言弃,相信自己,将赢得一切胜利。Race against time, never give up, believe in yourself, will win everything.

奥巴马新的经济团队争分夺秒地按照这个途径推进。Barack Obama’s new economic team wasted no time starting out on this course.

农夫们争分夺秒地工作,以抢在下雨之前把庄稼收进来。The farmers had to work against time to get in the crops before the rain sets in.

在公司你从周一忙到周五,面对着种种压力,争分夺秒的赶在规定时间前完成任务。Work means all day, five days a week, in a pressure-filled, deadline-oriented office.

因此,我们不将语音激活用于需要争分夺秒做出决定的任务。Consequently, we do not use voice activation for tasks that demand split-second decisions.

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特维迪先生这边加紧修理机器,金婕他们也争分夺秒。Mr. Teweidi speeds up fixing a machine here, Jin Jie they also make every minute and second count.

尽管换舵时争分夺秒,但她要想赢得比赛已经不可能了。Thoug the new rudder was fitted at a tremendous speed , it was impossible for the Cutty Sark to win.

目前,世界上许多国家都在为构建电子政府、实施电子政务而争分夺秒。At present, many countries in the world are all make every minute and second count to set up E-government.

神圣庇护,恩赐,痛苦压制,渴望,狂喜,争分夺秒,还有苦修都是必点的。Divine Aegis, Grace, Pain Suppression, Aspiration, Rapture, Borrowed Time, and Penance are all must-haves.

内塔尼亚胡对军队电台说,以色列正争分夺秒地尽一切所能让沙利特重返家园。Mr. Netanyahu told Army Radio that Israel is working non-stop and making every effort to bring Shalit home.

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目前技术人员正在争分夺秒地试图稳定至少两个过热反应堆,大量海水被灌入反应堆内核来降温。Engineers are now rushing to stabilize at least two overheated reactors by injecting seawater into their cores.

红十字会的保罗。康奈利指出,想要挽救生命必须争分夺秒。And time is of the essence if lives are to be saved, according to Paul Conneally of the International Red Cross.

例如,“在电影里面,作家们喜欢在主角们争分夺秒工作的时候,插入倒计时。”For example, "In movies, writers love to create countdowns where the main characters are working against the clock."

工人们正争分夺秒地阻止墨西哥湾的漏油流向美国南部海岸。Workers are racing against time to stop the Gulf of Mexico oil slick hitting the coast of the southern United States.

争分夺秒的解决反物质炸弹来防止梵蒂冈被破坏使这部影片充满悬疑。This movie has a suspenseful storyline with an anti-matter bomb and the race to prevent the destruction of Vatican City.

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对于年龄卡莱尔并没有太多的考量,每一个都是在生死关头争分夺秒所作出的决定。Carlisle wasn't considering age too intently, as each of these decisions was spur-of-the-moment as well as life-or-death.

作为南美洲首个举办奥运会的城市,里约热内卢需要争分夺秒来完成一场大规模的城市改造。Rio de Janeiro, the first South American Olympic host, will need every last one of them to complete an epic urban makeover.

中国争分夺秒地把谈判者派到台北,并且安排一次关于投资保护和医药合作的峰会。China wasted no time sending a negotiator to Taipei to arrange for a summit on investment protection and medical co-operation.