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他从青少年拘留所潜逃了。He absconded from a remand home.

他在拘留所里焦急地煎熬了一天。He spent an anxious day in the lockup.

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他有一支枪,他们带他去了拘留所。He had a gun, and they took him into custody.

那个警官说他只能把我关到拘留所里。The officer said he’d have to put me in jail.

你可以看到更多的拘留所和变化在这里。You can see even more lock-ups and variations here.

他因卖假证件而被带入拘留所。He was held in custody for selling fake certificates.

指导预审工作和看守所、拘留所、收容审查所的监管工作。To guide the administration of prisons, lockups and asylums.

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帕克在联邦拘留所面临三个有关毒品的指控。Parker is in federal custody facing three drug-related charges.

反恐组突击队发现了迪沙佛和其他拘留所工作人员的尸体。The CTU commandos find the bodies of DeSalvo and the facility workers.

下手拿住宗徒,把他们押在公共拘留所内。And they laid hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison.

我曾是一位古巴关塔那摩湾拘留所的审讯官。I was an interrogator at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

薛潘要求梅森立即终结拘留所的状况。Chapelle demands that Mason immediately end the situation at the facility.

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林建设在从拘留所出来后,没有再回到林家,而是远走他乡。In LinJian from custody after coming out, no return to the lins, but migrate.

聂赫留朵夫从检察官那里出来,乘车直奔拘留所。From the Procureur Nekhludoff went straight to the preliminary detention prison.

他有一支枪,他们带他去了拘留所。我想他要在监狱里呆上28年。He had a gun, and they took him into custody. And I think he got 28 years in prison.

翠平是被关在了税务局的拘留所里,老马陪着余则成前去领人。Cuiping was being held at the Tax Revenue bureau, where Old Ma took Yu to pick her up.

“她在拘留所呆了好几个月,因为没有其它地方可供选择,”加法尔说。"She stayed there for months because there was no other place to send her, " says Ghaffar.

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安德烈.德拉赞的雇佣军进入了拘留所的通道,杰克把枪对准了维克多。Andre Drazen’s team enters the detention hallway to find Jack with his gun trained on Victor.

Lincoln现在穿着橙色的囚衣,颓丧地坐在拘留所探访区的防护玻璃后。Now wearing an orange jumpsuit, Lincoln slumps behind the glass in the prison visitation area.

某天早晨,一个年轻女人来到“药剂师专柜”,她拘留所里关了一个周末。One morning, a young woman arrives at the Apothecary Shoppe after spending the weekend in jail.