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更多的增援部队正在来到。More reinforcements were on the way.

正规部队需要增援。The regular troops need to be reinforced.

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林振海对林家庄停止增援。LinZhenHai on Lin zhuang stop reinforcements.

将军将增援部队投入这个战役中。The general threw reinforcement into the battle.

调两个连去增援前线。Two companies were moved up to reinforce the front line.

曼陀菲尔祈祷着增援能及时抵达。Manteuffel prayed for the relief force to arrive in time.

战斗打响后,美军的这支特种部队要求增援。As the operation unraveled, the U. S. team called for help.

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更多后续增援部队将从美国赶来。Follow-on reinforcements would come from the United States.

他们赶运了一旅伪军来增援这个地区。They rushed a brigade of puppet troops to reinforce the area.

他下达命令,指示手下增援一到,马上进攻。He ordered his men to attack as soon as reinforcements arrived.

格林派出了增援去水塔接他们。Green sends in reinforcements to pick them up at the water tower.

布内衬仿皮革,皮革皮带和增援。Cloth-lined imitation leather, with leather straps and reinforcements.

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甚么增援不增援的!你们就是全部战力!Osean G Company D What reinforcements?! You guys are the entire force!

游击队员们钻进树林,准备伏击敌人的增援部队。The guerillas dived into the woods to ambush the enemy reinforcements.

今后几个月,我们可能会看到增援部队的到来,我对此感到乐观。And I'm optimistic that we'll potentially see them in the coming months.

麦克莱伦接到命令是立刻前往战场增援,但他拒绝这么做。McClellan was ordered to send them immediately. But he refused to do so.

面对苏格兰,蓝衣军团需要他的增援,但他会答应多纳多尼的召唤吗?The Azzurri will need him against Scotland, but will he answer the call?

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没想到有更多异化虫增援部队抵达,并击杀了一台试图窥伺的收割者。More zergling reinforcements arrive and kill a reaper attempting to scout.

又派出一支民兵去增援主力部队。Another detachment of militiamen was drawn out to reinforce the main forces.

几千名日本水兵和大约14000名陆军增援部队消失在了茫茫大海中。Several thousand of Japanese sailors and some 14, 000 army troops were lost.