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我总是对此事记忆犹新。I always remember that.

时间流逝,但记忆犹新。Time has passed, but the memories do not fade.

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我对自己第一次获得世嘉成因游戏机的那一时刻记忆犹新。I remember when I first got my Sega Genesis console.

那时我只有三岁,不过有两件事我至今记忆犹新。I was only three, but I remember two things clearly.

我对入团的那一天还记忆犹新。Well do I remember the day when I joined the League.

今天还活着的老年人对这事记忆犹新。It is well wihtin the memory of old men living today.

我已记不起自己学骑自行车的经历了,但我弟弟的学车经历我却记忆犹新。I do remember my brother learning to ride a bike though.

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据我所知他的晚宴可谓让人记忆犹新而他的贿赂也慷慨的很。I am told his feasts are memorable and his bribes lavish.

早晨送报的每个细节至今仍记忆犹新。Every little detail of those mornings is still clear to me.

我不会发推的妈妈也对华生的速度记忆犹新。My mother, who does not tweet, also remarked on Watson’s speed.

入夜,肇庆单独彷徨在船头,往事记忆犹新。At night, zhaoqing alone at the bow, the past oscillated memory.

讨厌车辆,那种晕乎乎的感觉,一直记忆犹新。Hate vehicles, that kind of feeling dizzy, has been in the mind.

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至今我仍对12年前女儿出生的那个日子记忆犹新。I still remember the day 12 years ago when my daughter was born.

很多人对1999年中国第一商城与现代城斗智斗勇记忆犹新。Many people in 1999 China's first Mall and dangerous ways fresh.

我记忆犹新的是大约15岁那年的某一天,我们正开着车去乔治亚州看望姑姑。I especially remember one day when I was about fifteen years old.

日本人对2战时美国的核攻击可是记忆犹新。Japan has long memory of American nuclear attack on Japan in WW2.

特别是下午的班队活动,让我记忆犹新。Afternoon classes in particular, team activities, let me remember.

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他记忆犹新,他曾「纵身跃入一潭漆黑的湖水中」。He recalls poignantly how he "plunged into a terrible black inky lake."

对于那个夏天,我和那个女孩子发生的故事,我仍记忆犹新。I have the memories of me and that beautiful girl together last summer.

在我身边发生过许多的事,记忆犹新的是那次去一中参观了。At my side there have been many things to remember is that in one visit.