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女神啊,照亮我的道路!Gode light my path!

女神啊,照亮我的道路!Godess light my path!

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米诺斯蛇女神。Minoan Snake Goddess.

泊瑟芬是一个纯洁的女神。Posefen was a goddess.

我是海贝月光女神。AM Seashell Moon Woman.

他把她当作女神崇拜。He adored her as a goddess.

我要如何奉养女神?。How may I serve the goddess?

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女神,我请求你发发善心。Goddess, I entreat your pIty.

女神,我请求你发发善心。Please don't go, I entreat you.

雅典娜是智慧女神。Athene is the goddess of wisdom.

然后幸运女神消失了。Then the Luck Fairy disappeared.

若是我撒谎,让复仇女神把我的眼睛挖出来!Furies tear my eyes out if I lie!

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森林中的女神都爱我。The nymphs in the forest love me.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles.

当然了,范冰冰是我的女神啊。Of course. Fan Bingbing is my Venus.

是真的吗?女神在飞机上?Is that true ? Godness on the flight?

在马尔斯的胸脯上那女神叹伤。On breast of Mars the goddess sighed.

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女神,轻快的华尔兹激怒了巴德。Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神“"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles."

巴比伦的生产女神。Babylonian-Akkadian fertility goddess.