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不存在引力子。There is no graviton.

引力是一个常数。Gravity is a constant.

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引力定律适用于宇宙万物。The law of gravity is universal.

质量越大,引力越强。More mass means stronger gravity.

土星质量大,引力也大。Saturn quality, gravitational next.

这架飞机经受住了引力定律。The plane defied the laws of gravity.

引力计可以做得很小。Tensiometers can be made small enough.

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月亮作用于海水的引力相对微弱。The Moon's pull on this water is weak.

黑暗能源是有点像反引力。Dark Energy is a bit like anti-gravity.

它源于引力自身的特性。It stems from the character of gravity.

有一个东西叫做库伦引力。There is a Coulombic force of attraction.

找到引力子将是真正的突破。Finding gravitons would be a real advance.

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最后他发现了伟大的引力定律。Finally he found the great gravitation law.

电视对我没有侍趵睃引力。The television has little attraction for me.

它们很有可能就是引力波源。They are likely sources of gravitational waves.

能量就是福报,能量就是引力!Energy is the blessing, energy is the attraction!

这个效应被称为引力红移现象。The effect is known as gravitational redshifting.

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地球引力定律终究要起作用。And the law of gravity cannot be suspended for ever.

热对流在没有引力的情况下是不会产生的。Thermal convection will not operate in zero gravity.

当距离很小很小时,基本上只有引力。And at very, very low separations, it's all repulsive.