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你的母亲好么?And your mother?

她讨厌母亲。She hates Mother.

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小孩的母亲立马僵住了。The mother froze.

为什么母亲会死亡?Why do mothers die?

他向母亲大叫。He shouted to Mother.

他的母亲呵护着他。His mom smothers him.

我母亲是一个寡妇。My mother is a widow.

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他的母亲纵容他。His mother babied him.

我的母亲没有做声。My mom did not repond.

我是一个哺乳期的母亲。I was a nursing mother.

母亲给我熨衬衫。Mother ironed my shirt.

母亲诞生于哪座城市?。Mother's city of birth?

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祖国啊,母亲!Motherland, ah, mother!

我母亲极讨厌狗。My mother detests dogs.

她就是英格尔的母亲。She was Ingel's mother.

我不清楚,你的母亲没病,我周四见到她身体很好。Your mother wasn't ill.

兴母亲同住。Abide with one's mother.

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但是你毫无准备,而且母亲已神志不清。But you're not prepared.

他的母亲是个打字员。His mother was a typist.

他的母亲很困惑。His mother was confused.