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但是,实际上台式电脑正在走向穷途末路吗?But are they actually on their way out?

这并不意味着雄心已到了穷途末路。This does not mean that ambition is at an end.

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不管怎样,我还没有落到穷途末路的地步,我只是在同灾祸调情而已。At any rate, I had not yet come to the end of my rope.

几乎直至穷途末路,他都试图摆出是人民一份子的姿态。Almost to the last, too, he tried to pose as one of his people.

你认为核工业复兴会穷途末路吗?Manouchehr Takin, do you agree that the nuclear renaissance is at an end?

事实上,有非常充分的理由可以把沉湎于声色之乐的性看作是衰败和穷途末路的征象。In fact, it may very well be the sign of a crippled or impoverished sensuality.

在穷途末路之际,曾为他捐躯的亡魂们向他呼唤着他感应到的求救信号。In their dire straits, his followers called to him with telepathic distress signals.

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这位在海难中失去一切的水手说,他已经穷途末路了。The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends.

任何不想透出穷途末路感觉的演员都应该尽一切可能避免像这样的自我恶搞。这是规则一。Any actor who doesn't want to reek of despair should avoid such self-mockery at all costs.

也从微观的风情园看到国家和人类的穷途末路的价值观。From the micro World Custom Park, it shows a country and the human being values in despair.

我知道它是如何被困在一个穷途末路的工作,觉得所有的人才是要浪费!I know how it is to be stuck in a dead-end job and feel like all your talents are going to waste!

我再也不必在穷途末路上堕落了。我已能在拥挤的人行道上昂首阔步了。I no longer wallow in the grime and gutters, but I walk along crowded sidewalks with my head held high.

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这就是为什么李小山当年提出“水墨画穷途末路”说没人敢接招。This is the reason why no one dares to react when Li Xiaoshan made the claim of "ink painting is in dead end".

今天,博阿维斯塔镇是个「迷失之人和绝望冒险家之城,人人穷途末路,景况比以前更糟。」Today Boa Vista is a "town of lost souls and frustrated adventurers too poor to return to their bleak beginnings."

如果一个人的时间和财富得到了高效合理的应用,在我看来,是完全不必有晚景凄凉、穷途末路的担忧的。If his time and means are profitably employed, I say there is no need of his being poor and needy to the end of life.

他说,“美帝国快走到了穷途末路,它的新统治者们”不能再干预其他国家了。He said that the "U. S. empire soon come to a dead end, it's new rulers, " can no longer intervene in other countries.

自美国成为世界强国以来,布什可以说是最糟糕的一位总统,他的外交政策已到了穷途末路的地步。The foreign policy of Mr Bush, arguably the worst president since the US became a world power, has come to a dead end.

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但是如果您又不想增加表中定义的索引数,那您的性能调整真到了穷途末路吗?But if you don't want to increase the number of indexes defined on the table, are you at a performance tuning dead end?

穷途末路的日军长官跟刘建功进行了一场博斗,最后死于刘建功的大刀之下。A dead end with the Japanese army chief executive LiuJianGong a wrestling, and finally death began under active broadsword.

科学家们已到穷途末路了,如果他们得到政府更多的资金,他们才能继续此项研究。The scientists have reached the end of the road and can only continue the research if they receive more government funding.