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谁是开场演出者?。Who is the opening act?

演出一个劳师动众当成赌注。It's a show, not my own.

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这场冰上演出实在不怎么样。This show on ice stinks.

奥利佛演出的哈姆雷特。Oliver's version of Hamlet.

那里有一流的演出。It had classic performances.

开始它生命中绿意盎然的演出。Embarks on life's green film.

我答应去观看文艺演出。I promised to attend the show.

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我们的演出很成功。Our performance was a success.

啊,我错过了我最喜欢乐队的演出.Ahhh,I missed my favorate band.

所有的眼光都落在演出者身上。All eyes were on the performer.

一次演出要一万美元。At ten thousand dollars a show.

周玲安戏剧演出视频!Betty Zh betty ou Acting Video!

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压轴巡游演出中的最后艺人。The end man in a minstrel show.

演出很成功.The performance was successful.

克鲁塞的演出才是关键。Cluzet's performance is the key.

胡跃是最安静的演出者。Huyue is the quietest performer.

他对戏剧演出也还在行。He was also great at theatricals.

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“月亮狗”也会在这里演出。Moondog also performed down here.

他在60多部电影中演出过。He has appeared in over 60 movies.

我觉得演出地点是非常火爆的。I think the venue is very popular.