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泰晤士河在默默消蚀着游船。Thames erode ships be silent.

另一个码头停泊着一艘游船。One of the jetties leads to a boat.

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我们坐游船游览了嘉陵江。We went on a cruise on the Jia Lin river.

他们潜水或乘玻璃底游船来观赏珊瑚礁。They dive or see the reef by glass-bottom boat.

他除了在豪华游船上的一份可怜的工作以外,一无所有。He had nothing but a poor job on the fancy boat.

某修道院外的涅瓦河上的游船。Tour boats on the Neva River outside the Hermitage.

多达14条虎鲸在距离游船30英尺距离内蹦来窜去的。As many as 14 orcas came within 30 feet of the boat.

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当时总统先生与他的夫人和孩子上了一艘游船。The president, his wife and children went on a boat.

午饭后在屋子门前的河里游船。After lunch a short boat-trip stars in front of the house.

我们的游船停靠在那里,有另外一个旅游团正准备下船。We were docking there so that another group could disembark.

首先我们买票坐上了游船去龙兴岛游玩。We buy a ticket on the first visit to longing island by boat.

你可以乘游船看漓江风光,也可乘免费公车参观市区各景点。You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.

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“苍蝇船”经营着塞纳河畔最大的游船公司。Bateaux Mouches runs the biggest tour boat company on the Seine.

玻璃钢制品、板材、管道、槽、罐、游船、浴盆等制品。FRP, slab, pipeline, tanks, jags , boats and bath tubes products.

我们错过了湖上游船的开船时间,不过没关系,反正现在的天气太冷。We're too late for the boat ride, though, and besides it's too cold.

去年仅80艘游船来沪。The number of cruises that stopped in Shanghai last year was only 80.

游船上的礼宾员说我们原本是不能离船的。We weren't supposed to leave the boat. That's what the concierge said.

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雨夹雪使得外滩和游船上人烟稀少。The snow and sleet made people stay away from the Bund and the cruises.

游船旅游是长江三峡旅游的主要形式和独特标志。Cruise Tour is the major component and symbol of the Three Gorges tourism.

此日南湖游船汇集,大小船只数百。South Lake cruise together this day, hundreds of vessels of various sizes.